Herencia pays homage to its elders with a month full of activities. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Herencia pays homage to its elders with a month full of activities.

On the occasion of the commemoration of the International Day of Older Persons on October 1st, Herencia will dress up to pay tribute to the oldest pillars of its community. Through the Department of Social Welfare, the town has prepared an extensive program full of cultural activities, excursions, and conferences that will take place throughout the month of October.

The festivities will begin on Sunday, October 1st, at 5:00 PM at the Municipal Auditorium. There, attendees can enjoy a special gala featuring Mercedes Abril and her flamenco group. But beyond art and music, this will be an ideal space for older people to share, socialize, and establish connections with their peers over a delicious snack. Those who are interested in participating in this event can now obtain their invitations at the Senior Center.

The week will continue with a range of proposals designed for the physical and mental wellbeing of older people. Starting on Tuesday, October 2nd, various workshops will be held, from Adapted Gymnastics and Active Mind Workshops to free sessions of Board Games and a Course on Digital Education and Mobile Phone Management, ideal for those who wish to adapt to the technological era.

Fridays of the month will be marked by talks and workshops aimed at enhancing social relationships and personal care. Additionally, as the icing on the cake, a trip to the acclaimed nighttime show of Puy du Fou has been scheduled, in response to the success of a similar activity a few months ago.

Conchi Rodríguez-Palancas, Councilor for Older People, has emphasized the importance of this thematic month: “It is a great opportunity to share with our elders, learn from their experience, and give them the recognition they deserve in our society. By promoting their active participation in community life, we not only support them in their needs, but also value their essential contribution to the social fabric of our municipality.” Undoubtedly, October promises to be an unforgettable month for the elders of Herencia. Let the celebrations begin!

Herencia rinde homenaje a sus mayores con un mes lleno de actividades 1
Herencia pays tribute to its elders with a month full of activities 1

Spanish post in Herencia rinde homenaje a sus mayores con un mes lleno de actividades

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