Anna Yeghiazaryan shines in the national level of rhythmic gymnastics. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Anna Yeghiazaryan shines in the national level of rhythmic gymnastics.

Last weekend, the world of rhythmic gymnastics witnessed the brilliant performance of a young promise: Anna Yeghiazaryan. This talented student, belonging to the Municipal Sports Schools, not only competed but also left a mark on the stages where she showed her skills.

At the Rítmica Ros National Tournament, held in Toledo, Anna stood out by achieving an impressive second place in the Alevín Hoop category. But her streak of success did not end there. During the same weekend, she participated in the II Pedro Muñoz Rhythmic Club Tournament and not only conquered first place but was also awarded the prize for elegance in the competition, a recognition that highlights the grace and posture of the gymnasts in their performances.

Applause and congratulations have been constant for Anna after her outstanding performances. “Congratulations on these achievements!” is the message that resonates among those who have seen her compete and those who look forward to seeing her continue to reap success in the future. The start of a new season is approaching, and expectations are high not only for Anna but also for her team mates.

The message from the Municipal Sports Schools is clear: “Cheer up, girls!” because the path of sports is full of challenges, but with dedication and passion, achievements are within reach.

Spanish post in Anna Yeghiazaryan brilla en el ámbito nacional de gimnasia rítmica

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