Breakdown affects access to the industrial estate - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Breakdown affects access to the industrial estate

Today, Sunday, October 1st, Herencia is facing an unforeseen issue that affects its residents and businesses. A significant breakdown in the water supply system, located near the entrance to the industrial estate, has forced Emaser, the company responsible for the service, to interrupt the supply while repairs are being carried out.

According to the information provided by Emaser, it is expected that the breakdown will be resolved by early afternoon, as long as no additional complications arise during the repair process.

It is important to note that, due to this inconvenience, Alcázar Avenue and its surrounding areas will remain without water supply for the duration of the repair work. This is a temporary situation that may cause some inconvenience to the residents and businesses in the area.

Emaser kindly asks for understanding and patience from all those affected. The company has expressed its commitment to work diligently to solve the problem and restore the supply as quickly as possible. In the meantime, citizens are requested to take necessary precautions and their understanding in this unforeseen situation is greatly appreciated.

Spanish post in Avería afecta el acceso al polígono industrial

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