Coordination meeting with monitors from the Community College defines the academic year. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Coordination meeting with monitors from the Community College defines the academic year.

Yesterday a key coordination meeting was held with the monitors of the People’s University. The main objective of this meeting was to organize the various groups and activities planned for the new semester, which already has over 600 registered participants, showing the growing interest of the community in the educational and cultural offerings of the University.

This year, the People’s University is proud to present a team of monitors that has not only grown in number but has also been renewed with fresh talent. Among the new additions, the presence of specialized dance monitors stands out, as well as monitors trained in traditional techniques such as Enea and esparto.

During the meeting, the various projects that will be carried out during the semester were also highlighted. These projects are not only educational, but also serve as a social and cultural driving force, promoting and enriching the community life of the town.

It is worth mentioning the notable growth of the People’s University, reflected in the expansion of certain programs. A notable example is the English teaching program. What started as a single class group has now proliferated into four distinct groups, demonstrating the interest and need to learn this global language.

This growth and evolution reaffirm the position of the People’s University as a reference educational institution in the community, constantly adapting and renewing itself to meet the needs and aspirations of its members.

Spanish post in Reunión de coordinación con monitores de la Universidad Popular define el curso académico

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