Young people from Herencia participate in a sustainable soap-making course as part of the 2030 Agenda - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Young people from Herencia participate in a sustainable soap-making course as part of the 2030 Agenda

The City Council of Herencia, in collaboration with the Department of Biology, Physics, and Chemistry, has carried out a course on Sustainable Soap Making, as part of the activities program on consumption of the 2030 Agenda. This initiative, organized by the OMIC and Consumption area, had the main objective of raising awareness and educating young people about the importance of circular economy and sustainability.

In total, around 60 students from IES Hermogenes Rodriguez joined this educational proposal. Through it, it is intended that the young people of Herencia acquire essential tools and knowledge to adopt more environmentally friendly consumption practices and in line with the sustainable development goals.

The closing of the course was attended by María Eugenia Díaz-Pacheco Galán, councilor of consumption, who did not want to miss the opportunity to thank and congratulate the experts who made this activity possible: Ingrid Palica, specialist in Natural Cosmetics, and Carmen Molina, consumption expert. Both shared their knowledge and experience, contributing significantly to the success of the course.

This type of activity reflects the commitment of the City Council of Herencia to the education and awareness of its citizens, especially the younger ones, in terms of sustainability and environmental care.

Spanish post in Jóvenes de Herencia Participan en Curso de elaboración de jabón sostenible dentro de la Agenda 2030

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