In English, it would be translated as: "Herencia illuminates its windmills on International Dyslexia Day" - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

In English, it would be translated as: “Herencia illuminates its windmills on International Dyslexia Day”

This Sunday, October 8th, the International Dyslexia Day is commemorated, and the town of Herencia does not want to be left behind in awareness activities. As a symbol of support and awareness for this condition, the emblematic windmills of the city are dyed turquoise blue during the night.

Dyslexia, beyond being simply a challenge in reading or writing, is a specific learning difficulty characterized by problems in accurate and fluent recognition of written words, as well as difficulties in decoding and spelling. It is not related to lack of intelligence or lack of access to effective teaching. In fact, people with dyslexia have normal or even superior intelligence.

Globally, it is estimated that at least 10% of the population has dyslexia, making it essential for a greater understanding and awareness of this condition, as well as the adoption of adapted teaching methods in educational centers.

The difficulties faced by people with dyslexia vary from individual to individual, depending on the severity of the condition and the effectiveness of the instruction or intervention they receive. However, with proper support, many people with dyslexia can learn to read and write well and can achieve success in their studies and careers.

The gesture of Herencia illuminating its windmills is not merely symbolic. It reflects the community’s commitment to inclusion and equity in education, as well as the desire for society as a whole to understand and support those who face daily challenges due to dyslexia. It is a call for solidarity and understanding, reminding us that every person, regardless of the difficulties they may have, deserves respect and equitable opportunities.

Spanish post in Herencia ilumina sus molinos en el Día Internacional de la Dislexia

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