A National Tourist Interest Party - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

A National Tourist Interest Party

The Carnival of Herencia, recognized as a Festival of National Tourist Interest, has begun its preparations for the 2024 edition with the first meeting of the Carnival Commission, which took place last Friday, October 13th. This annual event, renowned for its rich tradition, joy, and colorful displays, is a fundamental pillar in the culture and tourism of the locality.

Chaired by the Mayor, Sergio García-Navas, and with the participation of the Councilor of Culture, Aitor Gallego de la Sacristana, the meeting took place with a loaded agenda of constitutive and important topics for the celebration of the upcoming Carnival. In addition, carnival and cultural associations linked to the local carnival, as well as representatives from the Parent-Teacher Associations of the Nuestra Sra de las Mercedes and CEIP Carrasco Alcalde Schools, played an active role in the deliberations.

Among the key points addressed, the guidelines for the poster announcing the Carnival 2024 were approved, with further details to be published next week, constituting a crucial element to generate expectations and enthusiasm around the festivity. Additionally, other relevant aspects such as the “ofertorio” and “jinetas,” traditional and iconic elements of the Herencia carnivals, were discussed.

This meeting marks the official beginning of the organization of an event that is not only a cultural and traditional celebration but also an important driver for tourism in the locality. Herencia is getting ready to once again experience a Carnival that is not only an expression of its cultural identity but also an open invitation for visitors from all over to immerse themselves in its traditions, enjoy its hospitality, and be part of this festival that fills the streets with color, music, and joy.

Stay tuned for future updates and get ready to live the 2024 Carnival of Herencia with intensity. The celebration promises, once again, to be a spectacle of creativity, diversity, and tradition that come together to offer a unique and unforgettable experience. Herencia is in motion towards the Carnival 2024!

Spanish post in Una Fiesta de Interés Turístico Nacional

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