SMD BM Quijote Herencia shines on the first day of the Pitufos Circuit. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

SMD BM Quijote Herencia shines on the first day of the Pitufos Circuit.

Last Sunday, October 29, the SMD BM Quijote Herencia quarry demonstrated its potential in the first round of the Pitufos Circuit, held in Ciudad Real. The Herencia expedition, composed of Pitufos (2018), Prebenjamín (2017, 2016), and Benjamín (2015, 2014) categories, presented a total of five teams, showcasing their rich quarry and commitment to the future of handball.

In an intense and exciting day, our young handball warriors played over 30 matches, facing rivals from all over Castilla-La Mancha. Without a doubt, it was an excellent opportunity to learn, compete, and above all, enjoy this beautiful sport.

The relatives of the young athletes also traveled to Ciudad Real, adding even more warmth and support to an unforgettable day. The Castilla-La Mancha Handball Federation (@fbmclm) impeccably organized the event, allowing young talents to live an unparalleled experience.

The commitment to sports in Herencia did not stop there. Several players from the club, in a gesture of solidarity and training, volunteered as referees in different matches of the day. This type of initiative strengthens the bond between players and reinforces the spirit of community and growth in the sports field.

From here, we thank the dedication and passion of all those who participated and supported in this event. We hope that these events continue to strengthen the skills and passions of our future athletes and referees. See you at the next Pitufos Circuit round!

Spanish post in SMD BM Quijote Herencia brilla en la primera jornada del Circuito Pitufos

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