The Herencia Town Hall convenes an Ordinary Plenary Session for the next November 23rd. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The Herencia Town Hall convenes an Ordinary Plenary Session for the next November 23rd.

The Herencia City Council will hold an Ordinary Session of the Municipal Plenary on November 23, convened by the Mayor-President in accordance with the relevant legal powers. The meeting, scheduled for 8:00 p.m. in the Plenary Hall of the City Council, will address important issues for the locality.

The agenda includes the approval of the minutes of the previous session, dated September 14, 2023, as well as the official review of an administrative act, specifically of file 830/2017. In addition, the approval of the Additional Act of Delimitation of Mojón M22, dated November 13, 2023, will be discussed.

One of the highlights of the session will be the “RealWater” project, focused on the digitalization of the water cycle as part of the digitalization initiative PERTE. This project aims to connect the future of Ciudad Real with technological innovation in water resource management.

The Plenary will also review various modifications to fiscal regulations, including those related to the Tax on Motor Vehicles, the Property Tax, and the fee for the use of public spaces for coworking entrepreneurs in Herencia. It also contemplates the modification of the Fiscal Ordinance for the Water Distribution Fee.

Another crucial topic on the agenda is the discussion and possible approval of the Municipal Budget for the year 2024. This discussion is essential as it will establish the economic guidelines for the municipality for the next year.

Finally, the plenary will address the resolutions of the Mayor’s Office and provide general information of interest to the community. As is customary, the session will conclude with a space for requests and questions, allowing councilors to express concerns and request clarifications on the various topics discussed.

The convening of this Ordinary Plenary is an example of the commitment of the Herencia City Council to transparency and citizen participation in the management of local affairs. The Herencia community is invited to attend and participate in this important municipal event.

Spanish post in El Ayuntamiento de Herencia convoca Pleno Ordinario para el próximo 23 de Noviembre

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