The boys' indoor soccer team in Herencia is debuting new uniforms thanks to local support. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The boys’ indoor soccer team in Herencia is debuting new uniforms thanks to local support.

In recent days, the Male Children’s Futsal team belonging to the Municipal Sports Schools of Herencia has received a significant boost thanks to the generosity of local sponsors, Fontanería y Calefacción El Puri and Hermanos Azañon (HADA SL). These companies have provided new uniforms to the team, a gesture that reflects their commitment and support for sports in the town.

The presentation of these uniforms was attended by Jose Manuel Tejado and Ángel Azañon, representing Fontanería y Calefacción El Puri and Hermanos Azañon (HADA SL) respectively. Sergio García-Navas, Mayor of Herencia, also attended, expressing his support for the team and their coach for the 2023/2024 season in the School Sports competition that has just begun.

This support is especially significant for the Male Children’s Futsal team, which is embarking on a season full of challenges and opportunities. The mayor and the representatives of the sponsoring companies wished the players good luck and reaffirmed their commitment to promoting sports among the town’s youth.

The Male Children’s Futsal category has experienced significant growth in this new season, forming three teams. This development is a clear indicator of the increasing interest in this sport and the success of the Municipal Sports Schools in promoting participation in school sports.

From, we want to thank Fontanería y Calefacción El Puri and Hermanos Azañon (HADA SL) for their valuable contribution and wish the Male Children’s Futsal team all the best for this exciting season.

Spanish post in El Fútbol-Sala infantil masculino de Herencia estrena equipaciones gracias al apoyo local

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