A magical night to the rhythm of Disney - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

A magical night to the rhythm of Disney

Herencia is preparing to live two magical nights with the celebration of the Body Training Dance Christmas Gala. The event, which will take place at the Municipal Auditorium on December 15th and 22nd at 8:30 p.m., promises to immerse attendees in the charming world of Disney.

This gala, part of the offering of activities of the Municipal Sports Schools, for both children and adults, has gained popularity and recognition in recent years thanks to its growing quality and diversity. Expectations are high, and the community is excited to see the choreographies that have been prepared for this special occasion.

The instructor Fátima, known for her dedication and creativity, is in charge of guiding the participants on this journey through the Disney classics. It is expected that this year’s choreographies, the result of her hard work and passion, will surprise and delight the attending audience.

The Body Training Dance Christmas Gala is not only a demonstration of dance skills, but also an opportunity for students to show the result of their effort and dedication throughout the year. Additionally, it is a perfect opportunity for the community to come together and celebrate the festive spirit in an atmosphere full of joy and fun.

The event organizers invite all the residents of Herencia to attend these two special nights, where the magic of Disney will be the protagonist. Undoubtedly, it will be a memorable experience for all attendees, marking a beautiful start to the Christmas festivities.

Spanish post in Una noche mágica al ritmo de Disney

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