Herencia commemorates the 45th Anniversary of the Spanish Constitution with solemnity and academic recognition. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Herencia commemorates the 45th Anniversary of the Spanish Constitution with solemnity and academic recognition.

Herencia commemorated the 45th anniversary of the Spanish Constitution on December 6th with a solemn event held in the Courtyard of the Town Hall. The ceremony was attended by the Municipal Corporation and provided a special opportunity to reflect on the values and progress that the Constitution represents for Spanish society. The event began with speeches from the spokespersons of the three political groups represented in the City Council, highlighting the importance of the Constitution as a fundamental pillar of democracy and coexistence in Spain. The event also had a strong educational component with the participation of students from local educational centers, including IES Hermógenes Rodríguez, Centro Ocupacional El Picazuelo, and Residencia Carpe Diem. The contribution of young people provided a fresh and hopeful perspective on the significance of the Constitution today.

One of the most emotional moments of the ceremony was the awarding of scholarships to the students with the best academic records in 2nd year of Bachillerato at IES Hermógenes Rodríguez. This recognition not only celebrates the efforts and academic dedication of the young people, but also symbolizes Herencia’s commitment to education and the future of its citizens. At the conclusion of the event, Mayor Sergio García Navas expressed his gratitude to all the attendees and congratulated all Spaniards on a day that transcends political and ideological interests to celebrate progress and coexistence. The celebration of the 45th anniversary of the Constitution in Herencia was a reminder of the progress made and the ongoing commitment to democratic and constitutional values.

Spanish post in Herencia celebra el 45º Aniversario de la Constitución Española con solemnidad y reconocimiento académico

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