Herencia celebrates Sustainable Gastronomy Day with active and conscious participation. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Herencia celebrates Sustainable Gastronomy Day with active and conscious participation.

In an effort to promote sustainability and raise awareness about food waste, the Consumption Department of the Herencia City Council successfully organized a special day in commemoration of Sustainable Gastronomy Day. Around 40 people committed to this cause attended the event.

This gathering was an excellent opportunity to address the issue of food waste in households, a topic of growing importance in the environmental and responsible consumption agenda. The day aimed to raise awareness among consumers about their crucial role in reducing this waste, promoting more sustainable and conscious practices in the kitchen and in daily shopping.

In addition to actively participating in the event, attendees received a symbolic gift as a token of appreciation for their interest and commitment to food sustainability. This initiative highlights the importance of citizen participation in activities that promote positive change in the community.

The event featured the prominent presence of Chef Jose Luis García Mascaraque from the renowned Olivo Mascaraque Restaurant in Herencia, who gave a Master Class on circular gastronomy and food utilization. The class was not only informative but also inspiring, providing participants with valuable techniques and knowledge to maximize food use and reduce waste.

The organizers of the event expressed sincere gratitude to all those who attended and contributed to making this event a success. The Sustainable Gastronomy Day in Herencia was a step forward in raising awareness about responsible consumption practices, emphasizing the importance of education and citizen involvement in building a more sustainable future.

Spanish post in Herencia celebra la Jornada de Gastronomía Sostenible con una participación activa y consciente

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