Herencia dresses up for Christmas with the 9th Exhibition of Popular Nativity Scenes. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Herencia dresses up for Christmas with the 9th Exhibition of Popular Nativity Scenes.

In Ciudad Real, Herencia celebrates the Christmas season with its IX Popular Nativity Scenes Exhibition, a tradition that illuminates the streets and homes of the municipality until January 6th. This edition features fourteen nativity scenes, each with a unique story, open for the visit and enjoyment of all residents and visitors.

Organized by the Local History Workshop of the Popular University and the Municipal Archive, this exhibition is a clear example of Herencia’s commitment to preserving and celebrating its traditions. The nativity scenes, set up by local residents in various chapels, showcase creativity and family dedication, where every detail tells a special story.

The nativity scenes in the exhibition stand out for their diversity and richness in details. There are representations of all sizes and styles, from the most classic to the most innovative, each expressing different ways of experiencing and feeling the spirit of Christmas. Some of these nativity scenes have specific visiting hours, allowing interested visitors to plan their route to appreciate these works of art in all their splendor.

Aitor Gallego de la Sacristana, councilor of the area, has extended an invitation to the entire community to join in this celebration: “Celebrate Christmas with us and share one of the most emblematic and charismatic activities of Herencia. It is a perfect opportunity to enjoy with family and friends these representations full of magic and tradition.”

In addition, at the Pablo Iglesias Youth Center, visitors can see the exhibition of the nativity scenes participating in the IV ‘Belén 2023’ Contest, created by the youngest participants with paper and cardboard. These creations reflect the imagination and talent of the children of Herencia, bringing a fresh and original vision to the tradition of nativity scenes.

The IX Popular Nativity Scenes Exhibition of Herencia is a must-see for all those who want to experience Christmas in a more close and traditional way, discovering through these nativity scenes the essence and warmth of these special dates.

Spanish post in Herencia se viste de Navidad con la IX Muestra de Belenes Populares

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