Herencia is advancing in the preservation of its historical and artistic heritage with the agreement for the transfer of Mercedarian assets. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Herencia is advancing in the preservation of its historical and artistic heritage with the agreement for the transfer of Mercedarian assets.

In a significant act for the preservation and valorization of the cultural heritage of Herencia, Father José Avilés González and Mayor Sergio García-Navas have signed an Inventory Transfer Agreement for Historical and Artistic Assets belonging to the property at 29 Colón Street, owned by the Mercedarian Fathers Community of the local convent. The event also included the participation of María Eugenia Díaz-Pacheco, councilor for Tourism.

This agreement is the materialization of the deliberations started last January, which stipulated that the objects within the future hostelry would be cataloged and transferred to the City Council. This inventory, prepared in November, comprises a total of 403 funds, transferred as ‘reversible assets’. In this way, the City Council commits to taking care of and promoting these assets, linking the rich history of the Order of Mercy with the new destination of the property.

Within the collection of historical and artistic objects housed in the building, valuable pieces such as several 18th-century canvases, historically valuable furniture, and other objects that narrate the history and the passage of the Order of Mercy through Herencia are included. These elements not only represent a cultural and artistic legacy of incalculable value, but also are living testimonies of the rich tradition and history of the locality.

The signing of this agreement is a step forward in the conservation and valorization of Herencia’s historical and cultural heritage. The agreement not only guarantees the protection of these assets, but also opens new possibilities for their use in contexts that promote knowledge and appreciation for local history.

The future hostelry, enriched with this heritage, will become a space where residents and visitors can connect with the history of Herencia in a closer and more meaningful way. This project reflects the commitment of the City Council and the Mercedarian Fathers Community to keep alive the historical legacy of Herencia for present and future generations.

Spanish post in Herencia avanza en la preservación de su patrimonio histórico-artístico con el Convenio de cesión de bienes Mercedarios

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