The PSOE of Herencia laments that the Provincial Council, with the PP and Vox, intends to influence the policies of the municipality's town hall. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The PSOE of Herencia laments that the Provincial Council, with the PP and Vox, intends to influence the policies of the municipality’s town hall.

The general secretary of the PSOE in Herencia, Lola Fernández, has explained the reasons why the Herencia City Council has decided not to participate in the Call for the Plan for the Renovation of Drinking Water Supply Networks. “The Herencia City Council has decided not to participate because the City Council of Ciudad Real requires the municipalities to cover 30% of the expenses, which in the case of Herencia amounts to more than €45,000,” she added, “with this co-payment, the municipalities lose autonomy in their decision-making while the City Council, with the PP and Vox, manage to intervene in the budgets of the municipalities of the province indirectly.”

Fernández also stated that “our City Council has not yielded to this imposition of the PP and Vox, which prevents this amount of €45,000 from being allocated to other projects that the council considers important for the needs of Herencia.”

In the words of the general secretary, “for the socialists of Herencia, this call is a failure because it has not addressed the real needs of each municipality, and in our case, it is not the renewal of the water network, which although important, there are more important projects.” She also pointed out that “what we would like is to be able to assess and decide where the money of the people of Herencia goes without the City Council imposing co-payments to carry out the calls, or pointing out our decisions for belonging to another political party.”

She expressed, “What we cannot forget is that until now the City Council financed 100% of the calls, so from the PSOE of Herencia, we do not understand this new procedure that goes totally against the autonomy of our towns, deciding thus, from Ciudad Real, where the money of the citizens of Herencia has to be invested.”

For the PSOE of Herencia, “it is the City Council that knows the real needs of the town and, therefore, it is from this institution that the policies carried out with the municipal budget should be directed.”
“Besides Herencia, 13 other towns cannot take part in the plan due to the co-payment”
According to Lola Fernández, “our decision is not an exception, as other towns in the province, governed by the PSOE and the PP, have decided not to take advantage of this call because of this co-payment.”

Of the 7 million euros allocated for this call by the provincial institution, almost 1 million have not been executed because 14 municipalities have not been able to take advantage of this grant. “One out of every seven euros of the call will not be executed because many municipalities will not participate due to not having the resources to bear the economic obligation that the City Council forced them to undertake.”

The socialists of Herencia have lamented this situation and have stated that “if we had taken advantage of this call, we would have had to neglect and stop providing other services contemplated in the municipal budget that are very beneficial for the people of Herencia.”

For this reason, Lola Fernández has urged Miguel Ángel Valverde “to bring the City Council back to the path of work of so many years and to develop municipal policies that truly support the municipalities, and to stop the ‘bad politics’ of forcing them to co-finance the City Council calls so that all the municipalities can join in order to improve the lives of our towns and our neighbors.”

Press release from the PSOE of Herencia.

Spanish post in El PSOE de Herencia lamenta que La Diputación provincial, con el PP y Vox , pretenda influir en las políticas del ayuntamiento del municipio

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