The San Silvestre Herenciana closes the year with sports and solidarity. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The San Silvestre Herenciana closes the year with sports and solidarity.

The year 2023 in Herencia ended with sport and solidarity in a new edition of the San Silvestre Herenciana. Organized by the Cultural Association Jarra y Pedal in collaboration with the Municipal Sports Service, this traditional race brought together about 600 participants, becoming a highlighted event in the local sports calendar.

The event, which was a success in both participation and organization, had a charitable character, as the funds raised will be donated to AFANION, the Association of Families of Children with Cancer. This noble cause motivated many runners to join the race, once again demonstrating the solidarity and social commitment of the people of Herencia.

The sporting day was divided into two main events: the children’s race, which had the participation of about 80 children, and the adult race, with a 5-kilometer route through the streets of Herencia. The festive atmosphere mixed with the sporting spirit, with many participants joining in the fun by wearing costumes and themed accessories.

The trophy ceremony was a special moment that had the presence of Sergio García-Navas, Mayor of Herencia; Serafín Tajuelo, Sports Councilor; and Aitor Gallego de la Sacristana, Councilor of the City Council. Juan Carlos Fernández-Baillo, representing the Cultural Association Jarra y Pedal, also attended, whose effort and dedication were key to the success of the event.

In addition to the runners, the event had the essential support of the Local Police, Civil Protection, Red Cross, and numerous volunteers who ensured the safety and smooth development of the race. Their work was fundamental in creating a safe and festive atmosphere for all participants.

The San Silvestre Herenciana has become an essential sports event to end the year, combining a passion for sports with a commitment to solidarity. The massive participation and the festive and family atmosphere demonstrated that Herencia is a community that values sports and solidarity, ending the year with a message of hope and unity.

Spanish post in La San Silvestre Herenciana cierra el año con deporte y solidaridad

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