Inheritance and La Merced Foundation Migrations join forces in favor of migrants. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Inheritance and La Merced Foundation Migrations join forces in favor of migrants.

The Herencia City Council has taken a significant step towards the inclusion and support of migrants. In a recent event, with the presence of Mayor Sergio García-Navas, Luis Callejas Rodríguez-Palmero, and representatives of the La Merced Migrations Foundation, a collaboration agreement has been ratified that promises to be a milestone in providing assistance and welcoming the most vulnerable migrants and refugees in the community.

The La Merced Migrations Foundation, established in 2010, has been recognized for its selfless work and commitment to defending the dignity and freedom of migrants and refugees. Their work focuses on improving the quality of life of this group and preventing situations of risk, conflict, or social difficulty, offering comprehensive support to those in need.

With the signing of this agreement, Herencia joins the efforts of this noble organization, formalizing a relationship of collaboration and coordination that goes beyond mere assistance. This agreement represents a joint commitment to promote social volunteering and cooperate in the social and economic development of the municipality, opening new horizons of integration and mutual support.

Mayor García-Navas expressed his satisfaction with this agreement, stating that “the signing of this agreement is a clear example of our commitment to a more inclusive and supportive society. We will work hand in hand with the La Merced Migrations Foundation to ensure that migrants and refugees find a welcoming home and opportunities for their development in Herencia.”

For his part, Luis Callejas Rodríguez-Palmero highlighted the importance of collaboration with local entities such as the Herencia City Council to achieve the foundation’s objectives. “This agreement will allow us to expand and strengthen our actions, reaching more people and generating a positive impact on both migrants and the Herencia community,” he added.

This agreement is an example of how cooperation between public administrations and non-governmental organizations can generate beneficial synergies for the entire society. With actions like these, Herencia is positioning itself as a locality committed to the values of solidarity, inclusion, and cooperation, essential for building a more just and equitable community.

Spanish post in Herencia y Fundación La Merced Migraciones unen esfuerzos en favor de los migrantes

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