Herencia celebrates with excitement the arrival of the Three Wise Men. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Herencia celebrates with excitement the arrival of the Three Wise Men.

On the night of January 5th, Herencia was a special place, as the Three Kings from the East made their long-awaited visit, filling the streets of the municipality with magic and joy. The arrival of Melchior, Gaspar, and Balthasar not only brought gifts, but also a powerful message of solidarity and hope.

The day began with a significant act of generosity from the Three Kings, who delivered baskets to three important local associations: the La Merced Migrations Foundation, which supports refugees; the Herencia Parish Caritas, focused on helping the most needy; and the Spanish Association Against Cancer, dedicated to fighting this disease. This gesture reflected the social commitment and spirit of collaboration that characterizes the Herencia community.

The grand parade, which began at 6:00 p.m. on Avenida San Antón, became the center of attention for both young and old. The Three Kings, enthusiastically received by the crowd, paraded through the streets accompanied by music and color, with the participation of local groups such as AM Santa Cecilia, AC Axonsou, AC Los Imposibles, AC Los Traviesos, Los Trasnocha, Jesús Chamusca, el Mono sin Pelo, and the Brotherhood of Jesus de Medinaceli.

Before the parade, Their Majesties made special visits to the Nuestra Señora de la Merced Residence, the Carpe Diem Center, and the San Francisco Residence. There, they shared warm and heartfelt moments with the elderly residents, demonstrating that the Christmas spirit embraces all ages.

The night of January 5th in Herencia was a clear reminder that the true essence of Christmas and Epiphany lies in solidarity, sharing, and keeping the excitement alive. From, we extend our gratitude to everyone who made this event possible and wish the entire community a happy and magical Three Kings Day. Let us always remember that the value of these holidays transcends material gifts and resides in shared joy and love. ???

Spanish post in Herencia celebra con emoción la llegada de los Reyes Magos

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