Young talents from Herencia shine in the Castilla XCO BTT Cup - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Young talents from Herencia shine in the Castilla XCO BTT Cup

Sports and cycling in particular have experienced a weekend to remember. The first test of the Castilla-La Mancha 2024 XCO BTT Cup, held in Illescas last Sunday, not only marked the start of an exciting sports calendar but also highlighted the emerging talent of our young Herencia cyclists.

A promising debut

The competition, which took place within the framework of the IX XCO PCI Illescas-Trofeo Sumialki, marked the starting gun for both the XCO BTT Cup and the 2024 Super Cup XCO & Kids, being valid for the ranking of the Royal Spanish Cycling Federation (RFEC). With commendable organization by MTB Ilarcuris and a massive participation of 529 cyclists, the event demonstrated why it continues to consolidate year after year as a benchmark in MTB at the national level.

The representation of Herencia, with some of the young riders from our Cycling Sports Schools supervised by the monitors of Amigos del Plato Grande, made an impression in this competition, achieving notable results and, above all, enjoying the passion for cycling. From the Herencia Town Hall, we want to extend our sincere congratulations to all of them for their excellent performance and wish them many more successes in future events.

Herencia Prepares to Host

It is exciting to announce that our town will have the honor of hosting the third test of this XCO BTT Cup on Sunday, March 17, being the second time that Herencia hosts this prestigious event. This will be a unique opportunity for our community to come together and show support for the athletes, both local and from other regions.

Standouts in the Competition

The quality of the talent was evidenced by the participation of 80 beginner riders and a notable performance in the youth category, which had 84 cyclists. In the elite competition, Luca Pérez and Natalia Moreno emerged victorious in the men’s and women’s elite categories, respectively, while Jorge Mariblanca made a difference in the sub23 category.

Jóvenes talentos de Herencia en la Copa BTT XCO de Castilla - La Mancha 2024 1
Youth talents from Herencia in the 2024 Castilla-La Mancha XCO BTT Cup 1

The event also saw exciting races in the master categories, with key victories for Carmen M. Mendoza and Iván Ruiz among others, thus demonstrating the diversity of talent and competitiveness in this edition.

A Bright Future for Cycling in the Region

With a vibrant atmosphere and a spectacular paddock, the IX XCO PCI Illescas-Trofeo Sumialki has laid the groundwork not only for the rest of the 2024 Castilla-La Mancha XCO BTT Cup but also for future editions. The passion for cycling and the support of local administrations will be key to continue growing and placing our cities in the spotlight of national and international sports.

We join in the anticipation and excitement of the cycling community and eagerly await the next Cup competition, which will be held at La Fuente del Moro in Toledo on Sunday, February 11. To our young athletes, keep pedaling with passion and determination towards a future full of successes and new adventures on two wheels.

Spanish post in Jóvenes talentos de Herencia en la Copa BTT XCO de Castilla

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