Strengthening the Legal Rights of People with Disabilities in Herencia - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Strengthening the Legal Rights of People with Disabilities in Herencia

The morning of last Friday has been a day of significant learning for the users of the El Picazuelo occupational center in Herencia. They have participated in an essential training course focused on “Support in the exercise of legal capacity,” taught by Sergio Sánchez, advisor from Laborvalía. This course was organized in response to the promulgation of the new law 8/2021, whose main objective is to legally protect people with disabilities.

The course has been specially designed for users, family members, and professionals working in the field of disabilities, addressing critical issues that directly affect this group. The new legislation represents a significant advancement in the recognition and protection of the legal rights of people with disabilities, emphasizing the importance of their active participation and their ability to make decisions about their lives.

Sergio Sánchez, through his experience and knowledge in the field, has guided participants through the most relevant aspects of the law, highlighting how they can benefit and better protect themselves under this new legal framework. These types of training are essential, not only to inform, but also to empower people with disabilities, ensuring that they have greater control over their rights and decisions.

The relevance of this training lies in its practical approach and its ability to address the real needs of people with disabilities, providing tools and knowledge that they can apply in their daily lives. Additionally, it fosters an environment of inclusion and respect, emphasizing the importance of personal autonomy and the ability to effectively exercise their legal rights.

This course not only benefits the users of the El Picazuelo occupational center, but also provides vital information to family members and professionals to better support people with disabilities in exercising their rights. Collaboration between institutions such as Laborvalía and occupational centers is key to continuing to progress towards a more inclusive and just society for all.

The Herencia City Council and the El Picazuelo occupational center have once again demonstrated their commitment to the continuous improvement of the quality of life of people with disabilities, ensuring they have access to the necessary information and training to navigate the legal system with confidence and security. This training course is another step towards empowering this group, marking an important milestone in their fight for equality and the protection of their rights.

Spanish post in Fortaleciendo los Derechos Jurídicos de las Personas con Discapacidad en Herencia

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