Young cyclists from Herencia show their talent in the school mountain biking competition in Campo de Criptana. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Young cyclists from Herencia show their talent in the school mountain biking competition in Campo de Criptana.

The dynamism and passion for cycling of the young people from Herencia were clearly evident this past Sunday in the town of Campo de Criptana. The students from the Municipal Sports Schools of Herencia took the initiative and enthusiastically joined the school BTT competition, braving the morning cold and showcasing their skill and resilience on two wheels.

This event, which brings together the future promises of cycling, was the perfect stage for the students from Herencia to display their training and commitment to this sport. The competition was not only a display of their technique and speed, but also of their sportsmanship and ability to overcome challenges, qualities that are undoubtedly nurtured by their instructors and the constant support of their families.

The instructors from the Amigos del Plato Grande club have been crucial in the preparation and motivation of these young athletes. Their dedication to promoting cycling among the youth of Herencia is an example of how sports can positively influence the development and well-being of the younger generation.

The community of Herencia is proud of these young cyclists who, with each pedal stroke, are building the foundation for a more active and healthier future. The relatives and friends who supported them during the competition bear witness to the sport and personal growth of these students, who with each competition, gain more than medals: they gain valuable life experiences.

Cycling, which has become an integral part of the sports identity of Herencia, continues to strengthen its presence thanks to the joint efforts of clubs, schools, and the community itself. The school BTT competition in Campo de Criptana was once again a reflection of the talent and passion that characterizes the cyclists from Herencia.

The municipal institution and the sports environment extend congratulations to the participants for their performance and encourage them to keep pedaling towards their goals and dreams. Congratulations to all those who made this day of competition and cycling spirit possible!

An article published in the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Newspaper of information in the heart of La Mancha.

Spanish post in Jóvenes Ciclistas herencianos demuestran talento en la prueba BTT escolar de Campo de Criptana

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