Literary meeting with Ana Alcolea inspires young readers in Herencia. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Literary meeting with Ana Alcolea inspires young readers in Herencia.

The Municipal Library and the Youth Area of Herencia, together with the Secondary Schools of the town, have promoted an enriching literary meeting between the renowned writer Ana Alcolea and more than 160 students involved in the reading project “The Immortals”. The activity is part of initiatives to promote reading and direct contact with authors.

The event, which had a dynamic and participative format, was led by two students from Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes school, who, in the form of an interview, delved into the intricacies of “La dama de Ceilán”, one of the finalist novels of this year’s project. The writer shared her sources of inspiration, highlighting the valuable oral tradition and the stories that elders keep, as well as the importance of travel in personal and creative enrichment.

Motivated by the closeness of the author, the young people had the opportunity to ask their own questions, touching on topics such as Alcolea’s creative process, what motivated her to write, and her view on writing as a profession. The direct interaction with the writer not only added value to the reading project but also served as inspiration for the students, who were able to deepen their understanding of the work and its context.

The event ended with a book signing session, where Ana Alcolea dedicated copies of “La dama de Ceilán”, leaving a tangible and personalized memory of this literary experience.

These types of initiatives highlight Herencia’s commitment to culture and education, emphasizing the importance of providing young people with direct access to creators and their works, thus enriching their intellectual and cultural development. The educational community of Herencia eagerly awaits the next meetings and already values this one as a significant step in promoting a love for reading among students.

Spanish post in Encuentro literario con Ana Alcolea inspira a los jóvenes lectores de Herencia

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