"JERUSALEM" by Teatro del Noctámbulo in Consuegra, with the creative costume design by Rafael Garrigós. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

“JERUSALEM” by Teatro del Noctámbulo in Consuegra, with the creative costume design by Rafael Garrigós.

In a setting that evokes English rural traditions and idiosyncrasies, the play “JERUSALEM” by Teatro del Noctámbulo arrives to captivate the audience with its powerful narrative and a central character that redefines the anti-hero archetype. The performance comes to life with the outstanding participation of Rafael Garrigós from Herencia, who contributes his talent and vision in costume design, enriching the representation with costumes that capture the essence of each character.

This weekend, on Saturday, March 2nd, at 8:00 pm, you can enjoy the play at the Don Quijote Theater in Consuegra (Toledo). More information can be found here: https://aytoconsuegra.es/jerusalem-de-teatro-del-noctambulo/

The story unfolds on St. George’s Day, the patron saint of England, in a town hosting the county fair and shaken by the presence of Johnny Byron, a magnetic and controversial character. Despite being the center of conflicts and rumors, he is also a figure that attracts and fascinates, especially young people looking for an escape from reality.

“JERUSALEM” is an exaltation of rebellion against the status quo, a hymn to personal freedom, and a reflection of contemporary social conflicts. Directed by Antonio C. Guijosa, the play promises to take the audience on an emotional rollercoaster with a cast that includes José Vicente Moirón, Carmen Mayordomo, Gabriel Moreno, and an equally talented ensemble.

The creative team behind this production is as impressive as its cast. The set design by Mónica Teijeiro, lighting design by Carlos Cremades, and sound space by Álvaro Rodriguez Barroso create an immersive atmosphere crucial for immersing the audience in the world of “JERUSALEM.”

This play is a co-production of Teatro del Noctámbulo with the Department of Culture of the Junta de Extremadura and the López de Ayala Consortium, ensuring quality and commitment to the performing arts. The graphic design is handled by Al Rodriguez, and distribution is taken care of by Mara Bonilla.

The presentation of “JERUSALEM” is not just a promise of entertainment but also a culturally significant event that reflects the theater’s commitment to current and resonant themes. With every detail carefully curated, from the translation and adaptation by Isabel Montesinos to the choreography by Cristina Rosa Velardo, the play stands as a theatrical landmark of this season.

A video article was published on the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Diario de información en el corazón de la mancha.

Spanish post in «JERUSALEM» de Teatro del Noctámbulo en Consuegra, con la creatividad de Rafael Garrigós en vestuario

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