Herencia becomes the setting for the XI Cross Duathlon with strong support from Civil Protection. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Herencia becomes the setting for the XI Cross Duathlon with strong support from Civil Protection.

The dynamism and passion for sports took over Herencia on April 7th, with the celebration of the XI Cross Duathlon. This sports event, which combines running and mountain biking, attracted numerous athletes and duathlon fans to the challenging terrain of the municipality.

The race was not only a display of endurance and sports strategy, but also an example of coordination and solidarity. The success of the event was made possible thanks to the collaboration of the Civil Protection Groups of Herencia, who along with their counterparts from Lillo, Consuegra, Manzanares, Puebla de Almoradiel, Bolaños de Calatrava, and Daimiel, ensured the safety of the participants at all times.

These groups, essential to the development of the event, provided assistance and surveillance throughout the course, ensuring that each segment of the duathlon ran smoothly. Their presence was crucial for accident prevention and quick response to any eventuality, emphasizing the importance of having well-prepared response teams at events of this magnitude.

The XI Cross Duathlon of Herencia is confirmed as a sports event that, beyond testing the athletic ability of the participants, reflects the spirit of collaboration and commitment of local communities with sports and civil protection. From Herencia, there is a call for these events to continue to be a reference for citizen participation and unity between towns, strengthening ties and building a more active and secure society.

An article published in the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Daily information in the heart of La Mancha.

Spanish post in Herencia se convierte en escenario del XI Duatlón-Cross con amplio apoyo de Protección Civil

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