Economic support for retirees and pensioners in Herencia: Discounts on garbage fees. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Economic support for retirees and pensioners in Herencia: Discounts on garbage fees.

As every year, the Herencia City Council activates the process that allows retirees and pensioners in the locality to benefit from a significant reduction in the garbage collection and solid waste fee. This measure, which offers a 50% discount, is aimed at alleviating the economic burden that this expense represents for many families in the community.

Starting on Thursday, May 2nd, interested individuals can begin to collect the necessary forms at the Herencia House and request an appointment for the submission of the required documentation. The deadline for submitting applications extends from May 6th to May 29th, providing beneficiaries with enough time to complete this process.

To access this discount, which must be renewed each year, applicants must submit various documents, including a photocopy of the ID of the homeowner and the members of the family unit, proof of pension for the current year, the last Tax Return or a Responsible Declaration of not being obligated to submit it, receipts for the fee from the first and second semester of the previous year, a signed data sharing authorization, and the completed reduction request form.

This initiative reflects the commitment of the local government to the well-being of its elderly citizens, continually seeking ways to support those who may be in situations of greater economic vulnerability. The guidelines for the reduction of the garbage fee in 2024 are already available, as well as the necessary documentation for both new applications and renewals.

An article published on the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Daily information in the heart of La Mancha.

Spanish post in Apoyo económico para jubilados y pensionistas en Herencia: Descuentos en la tasa de basura

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