Young Cyclists from Herencia Shine in the I Aqueduct of Albatana Schools Trophy - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Young Cyclists from Herencia Shine in the I Aqueduct of Albatana Schools Trophy

This weekend, a group of students belonging to the Municipal Sports Schools of Cycling in Herencia participated in the I Trophy of Albatana Aqueduct Schools, in Albacete. The event brought together young cyclists from various regions, where our local representatives had a outstanding performance.

The young cyclists, under the guidance of the Cycling Club “Amigos del Plato Grande”, showed great skill and competitiveness in this event. The Herencia City Council and the Sports Schools congratulate all the participants for their effort and dedication, as well as the monitors who accompanied them and prepared them for the competition.

Special thanks also to the families of the young athletes, who not only accompanied them to Albatana, but also continuously provide them with emotional and logistical support.

The young cyclists are already preparing for their upcoming competitions, which will take place in Ossa de Montiel and Guadalajara, hoping to continue with the good results achieved so far and continue to promote the sports spirit among the youth of Herencia.

An article published on the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Information newspaper in the heart of La Mancha.

Spanish post in Jóvenes Ciclistas de Herencia Brillan en el I Trofeo de Escuelas Acueducto de Albatana

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