Inheritance conquers the Globalcaja League with the Benjamin A football team. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Inheritance conquers the Globalcaja League with the Benjamin A football team.

In an exciting afternoon last Friday, the Sports Schools of Herencia celebrated a significant victory in the Globalcaja League in the Benjamin category. The Benjamin A team, made up of talented young players born in 2014, ended the regular phase of the competition on a high note, securing first place in group C.

The key victory that sealed the championship for Herencia was achieved in a match against the Villarrubia Town Council team, where the young athletes demonstrated superior skills and coordination. This achievement not only adds another title to the club’s trophy case, but it also reflects the constant effort and dedication of both the players and their coach, Josué Jiménez-Tajuelo.

In a gesture of recognition, the club congratulates each of the children and their coach for their excellent performance throughout the season. It is also worth mentioning that Herencia, participating for the first time in the Benjamin and Prebenjamin categories, saw their 2016 team also achieve an admirable third place in their category.

This success in the Globalcaja League serves as an ideal platform for both teams to continue their evolution in the sports field, providing them with a solid foundation upon which to build future successes. With the conclusion of this phase, Herencia is already preparing with enthusiasm and optimism for the next challenges that these young football promises will face.

An article published on the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Daily information in the heart of La Mancha.

Spanish post in Herencia conquista la Liga Globalcaja con el equipo Benjamín A de Fútbol

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