Visit to the Municipal Cemetery following the new appointments and improvements in service - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Visit to the Municipal Cemetery following the new appointments and improvements in service

Last Wednesday, the Mayor of Herencia, Sergio García-Navas, made an official visit to the Municipal Cemetery to oversee the recent additions and improvements in the maintenance services of the place. This tour takes place after the recent hiring of Teresa Hernández-Jiménez, who will take on the responsibilities of caretaking and maintenance of both the cemetery and the water service in La Pedriza and the area known as ‘El Sepulcrillo’.

During his visit, the mayor was able to see the start of Teresa’s duties, whose experience and dedication promise to maintain and improve the solemnity and order of the Municipal Cemetery. In addition, the graveyard now has the additional support of two more people, hired through the municipality’s current Employment Plan. These workers will focus on strengthening cleaning tasks and addressing any incidents or needs for improvement that may arise, ensuring a dignified and respectful space for the remembrance of loved ones.

Mayor García-Navas expressed his satisfaction with these new additions to the team and highlighted the importance of keeping these facilities in the best possible conditions that are essential for the community. The visit reaffirms the commitment of the local government to continue investing in municipal services to ensure that they meet the expectations and needs of all the citizens of Herencia.

An article published on the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Diario de información en el corazón de la mancha.

Spanish post in Visita al Cementerio Municipal tras los nuevos nombramientos y mejoras en el servicio

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