The Heritage Book Clubs celebrate the end of the school year with a cultural excursion to Medina del Campo and Urueña. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The Heritage Book Clubs celebrate the end of the school year with a cultural excursion to Medina del Campo and Urueña.

The enthusiastic readers of the Municipal Library of Herencia will close the course with a very special cultural excursion. After immersing themselves in the pages of “Splinters in the Skin” by acclaimed author César Pérez Gellida, the members of the reading clubs are preparing to explore the historical locations mentioned in the work. This activity, scheduled for June 15 and 16, promises to be an enriching experience.

The trip will include visits to emblematic places in Medina del Campo and Urueña. Participants will have the opportunity to tour the majestic Castle of La Mota and the Royal Testamentary Palace, as well as the Monastery of San José in Medina del Campo. In addition, they will explore the Joaquín Díaz Foundation, the Book Museum, and the Music Museum in Urueña, immersing themselves in a weekend full of culture and history.

The price of the excursion is 84 euros per person, a fee that includes all the visits and experiences mentioned. Although the activity is primarily intended for members of the reading clubs, registration has been opened to the general public to fill the available spots. Those interested can sign up at the Municipal Library “Miguel de Cervantes,” located at 35 Lope de Vega Street, starting from Monday, May 27. To reserve a spot, an initial deposit of 10 euros is required.

The Municipal Library encourages all reading and culture enthusiasts to join this literary and cultural adventure, ensuring that it will be a memorable event. For more information, interested individuals can contact the phone number 926572475 or 663744154, or send an email to [email protected].

This trip not only celebrates the end of an exciting cycle of readings but also offers participants a unique way to connect with literature through the direct exploration of its settings.

An article published in the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Daily news in the heart of La Mancha.

Spanish post in Los Clubes de Lectura de Herencia celebran fin de curso con excursión cultural a Medina del Campo y Urueña

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