Accessible cinema for seniors in Herencia: a cultural initiative for only 2 euros - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Accessible cinema for seniors in Herencia: a cultural initiative for only 2 euros

In an effort to promote cultural participation among elderly citizens, the City Council of Herencia has launched the ‘Senior Cinema’ program, a collaboration with Multicines Cinemancha that will allow residents over 65 years old to enjoy the seventh art for just 2 euros.

Mayor Sergio García-Navas and the Councilor for Social Welfare, Conchi Rodríguez-Palancas, along with Nicolás Cicuendez, representative from Multicines Cinemancha, have formalized an agreement that not only reduces the cost of tickets but also includes free transportation to the cinema facilities. This service is designed to facilitate access and ensure that age or mobility are not obstacles to enjoying the cinematic experience.

The program will take place once a month and requires interested individuals to register in advance at the Seniors Center. The organization of transportation and specific details of the screening will be communicated in advance to registered participants. “This initiative not only aims to entertain but also to enrich the social and cultural life of our elderly, promoting dialogue and the exchange of experiences after each screening,” explained Rodríguez-Palancas during the agreement signing.

This measure aligns with the Ministry of Culture’s policies to support the activity of cinemas as vital spaces for promoting cultural diversity and ensuring access to culture at all stages of life. With this proposal, the Herencia City Council reinforces its commitment to cultural inclusion and the well-being of its older citizens.

Spanish post in Cine accesible para los mayores de Herencia: una iniciativa cultural a solo 2 euros

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