Young cyclists from Herencia participating in the II School Trial in Tarazona de la Mancha. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Young cyclists from Herencia participating in the II School Trial in Tarazona de la Mancha.

Last Saturday, the second edition of the Cycling Schools Test was held in Tarazona de la Mancha, an event that saw the outstanding participation of the Sports Cycling Schools of Herencia. In a day marked by enthusiasm and competition, the young cyclists from Herencia left an indelible mark thanks to their effort and dedication.

The riders, accompanied and trained by the Amigos del Plato Grande team, showed an impressive level of performance, reflecting the hard work done during the season. “We are very proud of the achievements of our young cyclists and grateful to their coaches for their tireless dedication and teaching,” expressed one of the coaches at the end of the event.

The competition, which brought together several cycling schools from the region, was not only a space for sports rivalry, but also an excellent opportunity to promote team spirit and camaraderie among young athletes. Additionally, it served to strengthen the bonds between different teams and demonstrate that sports can be a vehicle for unity and personal development.

From Herencia, support for these events is essential, not only for promoting cycling among the youngest, but also for encouraging sports practice and healthy lifestyle habits. The success of the cyclists in Tarazona de la Mancha is a testimony to the potential and passion that Herencia holds for sports.

With events like this, the cycling community of Herencia continues to forge a promising future in the sports field, and establishes itself as a talent hotbed within and outside the province. Everyone eagerly awaits the upcoming competitions, where undoubtedly, these young talents will continue to prove their worth and take the name of Herencia to the highest point of the podium.

An article published in the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Newspaper of information in the heart of La Mancha.

Spanish post in Jóvenes ciclistas de Herencia en la II Prueba de Escuelas de Tarazona de la Mancha

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