Celebrating International Archives Day: Discover Heritage's Documentary Heritage - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Celebrating International Archives Day: Discover Heritage’s Documentary Heritage

Today, Sunday, International Archives Day is celebrated, a day dedicated to allowing citizens to discover these important centers and learn more about the profession of archivist. Archives are guardians of a unique and irreplaceable heritage that is passed down from generation to generation. In them, documents are managed from their origin to preserve their value and significance over time.

In commemoration of this significant date, the Library, Archives, and Libraries Service of the Deputy Ministry of Culture and Sports has launched a new virtual exhibition titled “The configuration of the urban environment in Castilla-La Mancha.” This exhibition features the valuable contribution of the Archives of Herencia, which has provided a historic photograph of the Ronda street, taken in 1884, where a windmill can be seen collapsed in the background.

The photograph, part of a collection of postcards edited by the Town Hall, was taken by the renowned architect from La Mancha, Miguel Fisac. This image is a visual testimony of the history and urban development of Herencia, offering a window to the past that allows us to appreciate the evolution of the town.

The virtual exhibition not only celebrates International Archives Day, but also promotes access and knowledge of the documentary heritage of Castilla-La Mancha, allowing more people to become familiar with the history and culture of our region.

To enjoy this exhibition and learn more about the history of Herencia and its surroundings, you can visit the following link: https://cultura.castillalamancha.es/archivos/exposiciones-virtuales/la-configuracion-del-entorno-urbano-en-castilla-la-mancha?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3v9doK1HQwsHKlsl8cp7-h_ovU0fF2n_M2TlPcgrNNMMMxgKRq59lu_2A_aem_Aed7IPY8V3f_ij2J29rqGjss6Hf_l9gfPu96Ae-Lv5ZTQ95Lqlu_7LSZ3E47AOow1OrXcZo6AByC2mkv7bKD-W5z.

International Archives Day is an opportunity to reflect on the importance of these centers in preserving our historical and cultural memory. Archives not only store ancient documents but are also essential for managing and accessing information in contemporary society. An article was published on the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Newspaper of information in the heart of La Mancha.

Spanish post in Celebración del Día Internacional de los Archivos: Descubre el Patrimonio Documental de Herencia

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