The image of Jesus of Medinaceli will preside over the Rosary of the souls. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The image of Jesus of Medinaceli will preside over the Rosary of the souls.

The image of Jesus of Medinaceli will preside over the Rosary of Souls 1
The image of Jesus of Medinaceli will preside over the Rosary of Souls 1

As is tradition in Herencia, where the religious celebration around the month of November has an ancient tradition connected to the worship of souls, once again, the traditional Rosary of Souls will take place as a prayer and remembrance of all the deceased and blessed souls of Herencia.

On Friday, November 1, the traditional Rosary of Souls will take place, after the celebration of the solemn function at the parish church of the Inmaculada Concepción which will begin at 7:00 pm. This is a procession during which the rosary will be prayed for the eternal rest of our deceased. This procession will be presided over by the Banner of Souls and this year also by the image of Our Father Jesus of Medinaceli.

The procession, organized this time by the Brotherhood of Jesus of Medinaceli and Our Lady of the Incarnation together with the parish of the Inmaculada Concepción, the Carnival Association of Herencia D.O and the parish group of the worship of souls, and in collaboration with the Herencia Town Hall, will be accompanied by chapel music and the sound of soul bells. It will depart from the Parish after the mass, starting at 7:45 pm (approx.).

The organization invites all residents of the streets through which the procession will pass to place candles on poyetes, windows, or balconies, as a sign of remembrance and tribute to all loved ones who have passed away and rest in peace.

The route of the procession will be through the following streets:
Parroquia Inmaculada Concepción, Plaza de España, Lope de Vega, Pintor Agustín Úbeda, Fco. Fdez.-Mazarambroz, Convento, Tercia, Santa Teresa, Iglesia, and Plaza de España back to the parish.

Other celebrations around the feast of All Saints and the commemoration of the faithful departed

Alongside this activity, a series of other events will be held to celebrate the feast of All Saints and the commemoration of the faithful departed:

  • Exhibition “¡You too can be a saint!, why not?. In the balconies of Plaza de España and Calle Lope de Vega, this exhibition can be visited with reproductions of different saints from all eras, accompanied by a brief explanation of each.
  • Altar of souls. The brotherhoods of the Virgen de los Dolores and the Santo Entierro collaborate once again to create an altar of souls with their two titular images inside the parish church.
  • Rosary for the deceased at the municipal cemetery chapel organized by the Brotherhood of Jesus of Medinaceli on Friday, November 1 at 4:30 pm.
  • Prayer altar in the cemetery chapel during the month of November.
The image of Jesus of Medinaceli will preside over the Rosary of Souls 2
The image of Jesus of Medinaceli will preside over the Rosary of Souls 2

November 2 will be the commemoration of All the faithful departed and various religious and cultural events will also take place:

  • Mass at the cemetery. At 4:30 pm.
  • Solemn Function for all the Departed in the parish, at 7:00 pm.

Article published in : The image of Jesus of Medinaceli will preside over the Rosary of Souls

Spanish post in La imagen de Jesús de Medinaceli presidirá el Rosario de ánimas

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