Herencia is adorned with a new mural celebrating its Carnival, a Fiesta of National Tourist Interest. As part of the Public Space Beautification Plan promoted by the City Council, the public parking area at Travesía Concepción now showcases a vibrant and colorful work of art by graphic artist Javier López (@jops_art).
The mural, which is already coming to life under López’s skilled hands, known for his realistic and colorful style, reflects emblematic elements of the Carnival of Herencia. Among them, the Giants and Big Heads, street masks, the Perlé, the Jinetas, and the Ánimas Standard stand out.
Mayor Sergio García-Navas and the Councilor for Tourism and Heritage Mª Eugenia Díaz-Pacheco have enthusiastically supervised the progress of the mural. Díaz-Pacheco explained that the main objective of this project is to revitalize less attractive or deteriorated areas of the municipality, giving them a distinctive character through urban art.

The mayor highlighted the importance of this initiative not only in terms of aesthetics, but also in its ability to reinforce local identity. “I am sure that both residents and visitors will be proud of this new space that represents something so our own and so significant for our community,” he commented.
This mural joins other works carried out on Avenida de la Encarnación and Calle Agustín Úbeda, where renowned artists such as Fintan Magee, Aldana Ferreyra, and Martzel do Nascimento have left their mark.
With this new addition, Herencia not only beautifies its urban space, but also celebrates and perpetuates its rich carnival tradition, inviting residents and visitors to enjoy and share the essence of its local culture.

Spanish post in Nuevo mural rinde homenaje al Carnaval de Herencia