A space for creativity and young art - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

A space for creativity and young art

The Youth Area of the City Council of Herencia (Ciudad Real) is putting the finishing touches on the upcoming artisan market, an event that will take place on Saturday, September 9th starting at 8:00 PM. Located in the Cristo neighborhood, near the Cristo Hermitage, the market will be part of the “Cristo Neighborhood Celebration” and presents a wonderful opportunity to bring local art and creativity to the streets.

This market will be a showcase where young artisans can display and sell a wide variety of products made with love and dedication. Among the booths that visitors can find are natural cosmetics, macramé, beads, and candles. This event not only aims to promote creativity among young people, but also to provide the community with a sustainable and local shopping option.

The event is scheduled for September 1st, and everyone is invited to support these talented young people on their entrepreneurial and artistic path. For more information, interested parties can contact the Youth Area of the City Council at 663744782, or through the email address [email protected].

In summary, the Artisan Market promises to be a night full of art, creativity, and community. We look forward to enjoying the Artisan Summer on the streets with you!

Spanish post in Un espacio para la creatividad y el arte joven

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