A tradition that pays tribute to Herencian sports. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

A tradition that pays tribute to Herencian sports.

The new edition of the Luis Javier Basketball Trophy has been presented with great expectation and will take place on Friday, September 22nd. More than just a sports competition, this trophy is a living tribute to the legacy and importance of basketball in Herencia, and to local sports as a whole.

The game will start at 8:30 pm, but before that, in an emotional and camaraderie act, the players and coaching staff of the two participating teams will be individually presented: the historic Herencia Basket and the recently formed Herencia CB. Both clubs will compete in the upcoming season in the Zonal League of Castilla La Mancha, under the organization of the Regional Federation.

The event was attended by Sergio García-Navas, Mayor of Herencia, and Serafín Tajuelo, Sports Councilor. Basilio Fernández-Caballero, representing the family of Luis Javier, Francisco Javier López-Escribano on behalf of Herencia Basket, and José María García-Navas representing Herencia CB were also present.

From the City Council, and in accordance with the sports community of Herencia, a call is made to all basketball fans and lovers to join this exciting match. The appointment is unavoidable: the afternoon of September 22nd at the Municipal Sports Center. A day full of excitement, talent, and above all, love for basketball is expected. Don’t miss it!

Spanish post in una tradición que rinde tributo al deporte herenciano”

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