An opportunity to develop creativity in young people - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

An opportunity to develop creativity in young people

Have you ever considered using your mobile phone for something more than making calls, sending messages, or browsing the internet? Would you like to learn how to use it creatively? If so, the Mobile Photography Initiation Workshop may be just what you need.

This workshop, which will take place on August 10th and 11th at the Oven Center, is aimed at young people aged 12 and older and is offered free of charge. With limited spots available, it aims to teach participants how they can use their mobile phones as a tool to develop their creativity, in addition to its usual use for interacting on social networks.

The workshop schedule will be on Thursday from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm and from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm, and on Friday from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm. It will be taught by professionals from Educinema, an organization dedicated to film and audiovisual education.

This workshop represents an excellent opportunity for young people who are interested in exploring photography as a form of artistic expression and communication, using the device that most people always carry with them: the mobile phone.

Participants will learn basic photography techniques, as well as how to make the most of their mobile phone’s camera capabilities. It is an enjoyable and practical way to discover the fascinating world of digital photography, as well as take the first steps in creating their own images.

If you are a young person aged 12 and older and are interested in photography and the creative use of technology, do not miss this opportunity. Registrations are now open!

Spanish post in Una oportunidad para desarrollar la creatividad en los jóvenes

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