Anna Yeghiazaryan was recognized at the 27th Provincial Sports Gala in Bolaños de Calatrava. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Anna Yeghiazaryan was recognized at the 27th Provincial Sports Gala in Bolaños de Calatrava.

The town of Bolaños de Calatrava was dressed up for the XXVII Provincial Sports Gala last Thursday. At this important event, Herencia gymnast Anna Yeghiazaryan was recognized as the best provincial athlete for her outstanding 2022 season.

The recognition of Yeghiazaryan is a source of pride for the Herencia community, showcasing the talent and dedication of the young athlete in her discipline. Her outstanding performance throughout the last season has positioned her as a reference in the field of gymnastics at a provincial level.

The honor of presenting the award fell to José Manuel Bolaños Viso, who serves as Provincial Deputy and Councilor of the Herencia City Council. The presence of such a prominent figure in local politics during the award ceremony emphasizes the importance of sports and recognition of athletes in the region.

From Herencia, the community comes together to congratulate Anna Yeghiazaryan for this well-deserved award. This award not only recognizes her talent and effort, but also serves as inspiration for other young athletes in the town and the province.

Looking towards the future, we wish Anna all the luck and success in her upcoming sports challenges. Her career is a clear example of how dedication and hard work can lead to recognition and success in the sports field.

This distinction at the XXVII Provincial Sports Gala not only celebrates the achievements of Anna Yeghiazaryan, but also highlights the support and promotion of sports in Herencia and throughout the province of Ciudad Real.

Spanish post in Anna Yeghiazaryan, Destacada en la XXVII Gala del Deporte Provincial de Bolaños de Calatrava

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