Art, concerts, and live workshops take center stage at the 1st Youth Week in Herencia. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Art, concerts, and live workshops take center stage at the 1st Youth Week in Herencia.

From Saturday 6th to Sunday 14th of July, Herencia is preparing to celebrate the Youth Week for the first time, under the slogan ‘Live the revolution where fun is our Heritage’. This event, which promises to showcase and empower the young creators of the town, will feature more than a dozen activities.

A programming made by and for young people

The Youth Week will start with the XX Story Marathon and Arts Market, which this year will move to Plaza de España, marking a significant change in location. The opening day will culminate with the Hot The Last Dance Tour Festival at Plaza de Toros, which promises to attract a large crowd.

Concerts and shows

Throughout the week, music and art will be the protagonists, with concerts by artists like Antonio Rada and Ángel de Aurelia, Antotipia, and the dance show ‘Bailarte’. These events will not only provide entertainment but will also highlight local and regional talent.

Fun and creativity

The programming will include a variety of activities that promote creativity and entertainment. Among them, a trip to the amusement park, the great Gymkhana ‘The team of the year’, and the popular inflatable water slides in the municipal pool. Additionally, successful events such as Movie Wednesdays and the Young Artists exhibition will be resumed, showcasing the works of emerging talents from the town.

An event with high expectations

The 1st Youth Week in Herencia is shaping up to be a significant event, aimed at becoming an essential annual appointment for the youth of the town. Councilor Aitor Gallego de la Sacristana has expressed confidence in the great reception and participation that the event will have, ensuring that this initiative will continue to be celebrated and improved in future editions to continue promoting the talent and creativity of the young people of Herencia.

An article published on the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Information diary in the heart of La Mancha.

Spanish post in Arte, conciertos y talleres en vivo protagonizan la I Semana de la Juventud en Herencia

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