Breakdown in a main pipeline that affects the water supply in Herencia. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Breakdown in a main pipeline that affects the water supply in Herencia.

An important breakdown has been detected near the former San Roque halls, as reported by the company Emaser. This issue is related to one of the main pipes that provide water to the town.

Due to the urgency of the situation, the water supply has been cut off in order to carry out the necessary repairs. This cut mainly affects residents and businesses on Alcazar Avenue and its surrounding areas.

However, there is some good news for the Industrial Estate. Despite also being supplied by this pipe, it will not experience any interruption in the water supply. This is possible thanks to a reservoir specifically built for the estate, which will be activated during the repair works. This reservoir had been repaired and put into operation a few years ago.

Emaser has conveyed a message of reassurance, informing that if no inconveniences occur during the repairs, it is likely that the water supply will be restored by noon. The company asks for understanding and patience from the affected community, ensuring that they are taking all necessary measures to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

Spanish post in Avería en una tubería principal que afecta al suministro de agua en Herencia

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