News - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain


Herencia pays tribute to Cheese on its International Day with a visit to “Quhesalia”

The International Cheese Day was celebrated in Herencia in a very special way, thanks to an initiative that fused culture, tradition, and flavor. A large group of users from the Senior Center had the pleasure of visiting the Cheese Interpretation Center of Herencia “Quhesalia,” a space dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of the century-old cheese-making tradition of the municipality.

Tips for saving on your electricity bill during spring and summer

With the arrival of spring and summer, many households are looking for ways to save on their electricity bill. One of the most effective options is to have a supplier that offers electricity at cost price. These companies are characterized by not applying additional profit margins to the price of energy, which results in significant savings for the consumer. During

The transformation of the House of the Friars into a hostel in Herencia continues to progress.

Inheritance is preparing to start an ambitious rehabilitation project that will turn the historic Casa de los Frailes into a modern inn. The bidding process for the refurbishment works is already underway, with the renovations scheduled to begin in the coming weeks. This initiative positions Inheritance at the forefront of cultural and quality tourism. The project, representing an investment of

Castilla-La Mancha confirms the construction of a new Health Center in Herencia.

The Government of Castilla-La Mancha has taken a decisive step to improve healthcare in the municipality of Herencia by putting out to tender the drafting of the project for the new Health Center. This initiative, announced by regional president Emiliano García-Page at an event with social representatives, represents a significant advance in the provision of healthcare infrastructure in the region.

Heritage definitively approves the modification of the Regulation of the municipal cemetery.

The City Council of Herencia, in the province of Ciudad Real, definitively approved the modification of the Ordinance regulating the town’s municipal cemetery in its ordinary session on January 18. This decision came after the initial agreement, adopted in the same session, was publicly displayed for a period of 30 days through announcements on the municipal notice board and in

The City Council of Herencia updates the ordinance of the Property Tax for 2024.

The City Council of Herencia, in the province of Ciudad Real, recently approved the modification of the fiscal ordinance that regulates the Property Tax (IBI) in the municipality. This update, which came into effect after its publication in the Official Gazette of the Province on March 7, 2024, introduces some relevant changes that will affect taxpayers from this fiscal year.

Healthcare progress in Herencia: Tender for a new Health Center.

The Government of Castilla-La Mancha takes a step forward in improving healthcare infrastructure with the bidding of the project for the new Health Center in Herencia, in the province of Ciudad Real. With a budget exceeding 297,000 euros, this project aims not only to expand the physical space available for healthcare but also to incorporate services that meet the increasing

Herencia pays tribute to Cheese on its International Day with a visit to “Quhesalia”

The International Cheese Day was celebrated in Herencia in a very special way, thanks to an initiative that fused culture, tradition, and flavor. A large group of users from the Senior Center had the pleasure of visiting the Cheese Interpretation Center of Herencia “Quhesalia,” a space dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of the century-old cheese-making tradition of the municipality.

Tips for saving on your electricity bill during spring and summer

With the arrival of spring and summer, many households are looking for ways to save on their electricity bill. One of the most effective options is to have a supplier that offers electricity at cost price. These companies are characterized by not applying additional profit margins to the price of energy, which results in significant savings for the consumer. During

The transformation of the House of the Friars into a hostel in Herencia continues to progress.

Inheritance is preparing to start an ambitious rehabilitation project that will turn the historic Casa de los Frailes into a modern inn. The bidding process for the refurbishment works is already underway, with the renovations scheduled to begin in the coming weeks. This initiative positions Inheritance at the forefront of cultural and quality tourism. The project, representing an investment of

Castilla-La Mancha confirms the construction of a new Health Center in Herencia.

The Government of Castilla-La Mancha has taken a decisive step to improve healthcare in the municipality of Herencia by putting out to tender the drafting of the project for the new Health Center. This initiative, announced by regional president Emiliano García-Page at an event with social representatives, represents a significant advance in the provision of healthcare infrastructure in the region.

Heritage definitively approves the modification of the Regulation of the municipal cemetery.

The City Council of Herencia, in the province of Ciudad Real, definitively approved the modification of the Ordinance regulating the town’s municipal cemetery in its ordinary session on January 18. This decision came after the initial agreement, adopted in the same session, was publicly displayed for a period of 30 days through announcements on the municipal notice board and in

The City Council of Herencia updates the ordinance of the Property Tax for 2024.

The City Council of Herencia, in the province of Ciudad Real, recently approved the modification of the fiscal ordinance that regulates the Property Tax (IBI) in the municipality. This update, which came into effect after its publication in the Official Gazette of the Province on March 7, 2024, introduces some relevant changes that will affect taxpayers from this fiscal year.

Healthcare progress in Herencia: Tender for a new Health Center.

The Government of Castilla-La Mancha takes a step forward in improving healthcare infrastructure with the bidding of the project for the new Health Center in Herencia, in the province of Ciudad Real. With a budget exceeding 297,000 euros, this project aims not only to expand the physical space available for healthcare but also to incorporate services that meet the increasing

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