Society - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain


Castilla-La Mancha launches a Digital Connectivity Social Bonus for families in vulnerable situations.

The Castilla-La Mancha Regional Government has announced a program to promote digital connectivity for families in severe vulnerability. The program is funded through the “Next Generation EU” Recovery Fund and the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan. The program, called Digital Connectivity Social Bonus, aims to finance the hiring of new broadband services or increase the speed of already contracted services.

Herencia collaborates in the Equality and Gender-Based Violence Prevention Course.

The Women’s Center of Heritage has announced its collaboration with the Association for the Development and Promotion of the North of Ciudad Real. Together, they will carry out a free course focused on equality and the prevention of gender-based violence. This 25-hour course is scheduled to take place from July 17th to 21st and will be held in the morning.

Herencia celebrates the LGTBI+ Pride Day with an institutional event.

The City Council of Herencia, in collaboration with the Plural LGTBI+ association, has held an institutional event commemorating LGBTQ+ Pride Day. This initiative reflects the municipality’s commitment to the LGBTQ+ community. The event was attended by the Mayor of Herencia, Sergio García-Navas, several council members from the governing team, and members of the Plural LGTBI+ association. As part of the

The Charanga Staccazzo from Herencia and Villarta de San Juan visits the program ‘En Compañía’ of Castilla-La Mancha Television.

From this Herencia Information Diary, we are pleased to inform that the Staccazzo Charanga, composed of members from our locality and from Villarta de San Juan, made a special appearance on the television program ‘En Compañía’ of Castilla-La Mancha Television. This encounter gave the charanga the opportunity to showcase their musical talent to a wider audience and highlight the richness

Digital Education and Mobile Devices Management Course for Senior Citizens in Herencia.

In an effort to reduce the intergenerational digital divide, the Digital Inclusion Point of the Senior Center in Herencia has organized a Digital Education and Mobile Devices Management Course. This course is aimed at teaching our seniors to handle fundamental digital tools, as well as finding solutions to the questions that may arise in their day-to-day activities with their devices.

Herencia commemorates International Dravet Syndrome Day.

June 23rd marks International Dravet Syndrome Day, a date aimed at raising awareness and sensitizing the population about this rare disease that affects one in every 20,000 newborns and is characterized by strong epileptic seizures of genetic origin. Dravet Syndrome is a pharmacoresistant condition that requires specialized management and often has a significant impact on the quality of life of

In English, it would be:Herencia lights up in green on World ALS Awareness Day.

Today, June 21, the World ALS Awareness Day is celebrated. This date is of vital importance as it seeks to raise visibility and awareness about this disease, which poses a huge challenge for those who suffer from it and their families. ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. ALS patients

A magical night of dance and ABBA in Herencia

The Municipal Auditorium of Herencia was filled with music, dance, and emotion on Sunday night, with the summer gala of Body Training Dance and Active Dance, two of the star activities of our Municipal Sports Schools. This gala, with an ambiance inspired by the iconic group ABBA, was the perfect conclusion to a year of hard work and overcoming challenges.

Reactive Heritage Foundation’s Corresponsables program to promote family reconciliation in the summer.

In order to support work-life balance during the summer period, the Municipality of Herencia has launched the “Summer Conciliator 2023” Program once again. This program, which is part of the Corresponsables Plan, is managed by the Women’s Institute of Castilla-La Mancha and funded by the Ministry of Equality. The “Summer Conciliator 2023” Program is designed to help families in which

Castilla-La Mancha launches a Digital Connectivity Social Bonus for families in vulnerable situations.

The Castilla-La Mancha Regional Government has announced a program to promote digital connectivity for families in severe vulnerability. The program is funded through the “Next Generation EU” Recovery Fund and the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan. The program, called Digital Connectivity Social Bonus, aims to finance the hiring of new broadband services or increase the speed of already contracted services.

Herencia collaborates in the Equality and Gender-Based Violence Prevention Course.

The Women’s Center of Heritage has announced its collaboration with the Association for the Development and Promotion of the North of Ciudad Real. Together, they will carry out a free course focused on equality and the prevention of gender-based violence. This 25-hour course is scheduled to take place from July 17th to 21st and will be held in the morning.

Herencia celebrates the LGTBI+ Pride Day with an institutional event.

The City Council of Herencia, in collaboration with the Plural LGTBI+ association, has held an institutional event commemorating LGBTQ+ Pride Day. This initiative reflects the municipality’s commitment to the LGBTQ+ community. The event was attended by the Mayor of Herencia, Sergio García-Navas, several council members from the governing team, and members of the Plural LGTBI+ association. As part of the

The Charanga Staccazzo from Herencia and Villarta de San Juan visits the program ‘En Compañía’ of Castilla-La Mancha Television.

From this Herencia Information Diary, we are pleased to inform that the Staccazzo Charanga, composed of members from our locality and from Villarta de San Juan, made a special appearance on the television program ‘En Compañía’ of Castilla-La Mancha Television. This encounter gave the charanga the opportunity to showcase their musical talent to a wider audience and highlight the richness

Digital Education and Mobile Devices Management Course for Senior Citizens in Herencia.

In an effort to reduce the intergenerational digital divide, the Digital Inclusion Point of the Senior Center in Herencia has organized a Digital Education and Mobile Devices Management Course. This course is aimed at teaching our seniors to handle fundamental digital tools, as well as finding solutions to the questions that may arise in their day-to-day activities with their devices.

Herencia commemorates International Dravet Syndrome Day.

June 23rd marks International Dravet Syndrome Day, a date aimed at raising awareness and sensitizing the population about this rare disease that affects one in every 20,000 newborns and is characterized by strong epileptic seizures of genetic origin. Dravet Syndrome is a pharmacoresistant condition that requires specialized management and often has a significant impact on the quality of life of

In English, it would be:Herencia lights up in green on World ALS Awareness Day.

Today, June 21, the World ALS Awareness Day is celebrated. This date is of vital importance as it seeks to raise visibility and awareness about this disease, which poses a huge challenge for those who suffer from it and their families. ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. ALS patients

A magical night of dance and ABBA in Herencia

The Municipal Auditorium of Herencia was filled with music, dance, and emotion on Sunday night, with the summer gala of Body Training Dance and Active Dance, two of the star activities of our Municipal Sports Schools. This gala, with an ambiance inspired by the iconic group ABBA, was the perfect conclusion to a year of hard work and overcoming challenges.

Reactive Heritage Foundation’s Corresponsables program to promote family reconciliation in the summer.

In order to support work-life balance during the summer period, the Municipality of Herencia has launched the “Summer Conciliator 2023” Program once again. This program, which is part of the Corresponsables Plan, is managed by the Women’s Institute of Castilla-La Mancha and funded by the Ministry of Equality. The “Summer Conciliator 2023” Program is designed to help families in which

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