Society - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain


A space of creativity and calm for young people.

Last Saturday, the Youth Center of Herencia hosted the Mandala Workshop as part of the “Imaginary Planet” program, offering young participants a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in an environment of creativity, calmness, and reflection. The workshop was designed to teach young people the art of Mandalas, an ancient spiritual and artistic practice that originated in India and has gained

Recognition of Llanos del Caudillo for the work of Anthropos during the pandemic.

On April 1st, the City Council of Llanos del Caudillo commemorated the 24th anniversary of the Constitution in the Cultural Hall with a series of cultural and recreational events. This year, the institutional ceremony also paid tribute to people, businesses, and companies who collaborated altruistically during the beginning of the pandemic. Among the awardees was the Herencian association, Anthropos, whose

The Herencia Senior Center celebrates the 130th Anniversary of the Provincial Government of Ciudad Real with an open day event.

This past weekend, the Senior Center of Herencia participated in an open house event organized in honor of the 130th Anniversary of the Provincial government of Ciudad Real. Attendees had the opportunity to discover the rich history and secrets that the iconic Provincial government building holds through a theatrical tour. The Provincial government of Ciudad Real, founded in 1893, has

The Youth Center of Herencia celebrates the “Imaginary Planet” collage workshop as part of the Hour of the Planet.

This morning, the Herencia Youth Center hosted the “Imaginary Planet” collage workshop, an activity in which young artists created original compositions using recycled materials to imagine an unreal world. This event is part of the celebration of Earth Hour, a global initiative that seeks to raise awareness about the importance of caring for the environment and preserving natural resources. The

The Women’s Route. A Walk Through Herencian History.

On Saturday, March 11th at 11:30 am, the II Women’s Route will take place. A walk through the History of Herencia. From “Herencia de Mujeres”, they invite all Herencians to this tribute to some women from Herencia who, due to their life trajectory, represent many others who contributed important values to our community. Scientists, pioneers in raising awareness about the

Interview with a resident of Herencia on the frontlines of the war in Ukraine.

A few days ago, we were able to read in various media outlets, such as El Mundo, an article about a soldier from La Mancha in the International Legion of the Ukrainian army. Pedro Diaz Flores, born in Herencia (Ciudad Real), 26 years old and a former Spanish soldier. We have been able to contact him through secure communication channels

I remember our ancestors Paz, Glorijea, and Consuelo.

On Saturday morning, during the events organized by the feminist association Herencia de Mujeres to honor outstanding women from the town, Paz Benadero López, La Glorieja, and Consuelo were remembered. These three women showed great devotion to the Stma. Virgen de las Mercedes. Father Comendador José Avilés spoke a few words about Paz, a Herencian woman who was very supportive

The Herencia Youth Center will host a Recycling Escape Room on March 31st.

On the afternoon of Friday 31st March, the Youth Center of Herencia invites young people aged 14 and over to participate in the Escape Room “La Basura de la Basura” (The Trash of the Trash), organized within the program “Tú eres la Llave” (You Are the Key). This event, which will take place from 7 to 8 pm, aims to

“II Entrepreneurship Conference of the Acompaña Network in Castilla-La Mancha”

This morning on March 15th, 2023, Mayor Sergio García Navas and the Councilor for Economy, Companies and Employment, Patricia Franco, attended the inauguration of the II Entrepreneurship Conference of the Castilla-La Mancha Accompany Network. The event, held at the Municipal Auditorium, focused on female entrepreneurship under the slogan “Entrepreneurship has a woman’s name.” The main objective of the conference was

A space of creativity and calm for young people.

Last Saturday, the Youth Center of Herencia hosted the Mandala Workshop as part of the “Imaginary Planet” program, offering young participants a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in an environment of creativity, calmness, and reflection. The workshop was designed to teach young people the art of Mandalas, an ancient spiritual and artistic practice that originated in India and has gained

Recognition of Llanos del Caudillo for the work of Anthropos during the pandemic.

On April 1st, the City Council of Llanos del Caudillo commemorated the 24th anniversary of the Constitution in the Cultural Hall with a series of cultural and recreational events. This year, the institutional ceremony also paid tribute to people, businesses, and companies who collaborated altruistically during the beginning of the pandemic. Among the awardees was the Herencian association, Anthropos, whose

The Herencia Senior Center celebrates the 130th Anniversary of the Provincial Government of Ciudad Real with an open day event.

This past weekend, the Senior Center of Herencia participated in an open house event organized in honor of the 130th Anniversary of the Provincial government of Ciudad Real. Attendees had the opportunity to discover the rich history and secrets that the iconic Provincial government building holds through a theatrical tour. The Provincial government of Ciudad Real, founded in 1893, has

The Youth Center of Herencia celebrates the “Imaginary Planet” collage workshop as part of the Hour of the Planet.

This morning, the Herencia Youth Center hosted the “Imaginary Planet” collage workshop, an activity in which young artists created original compositions using recycled materials to imagine an unreal world. This event is part of the celebration of Earth Hour, a global initiative that seeks to raise awareness about the importance of caring for the environment and preserving natural resources. The

The Women’s Route. A Walk Through Herencian History.

On Saturday, March 11th at 11:30 am, the II Women’s Route will take place. A walk through the History of Herencia. From “Herencia de Mujeres”, they invite all Herencians to this tribute to some women from Herencia who, due to their life trajectory, represent many others who contributed important values to our community. Scientists, pioneers in raising awareness about the

Interview with a resident of Herencia on the frontlines of the war in Ukraine.

A few days ago, we were able to read in various media outlets, such as El Mundo, an article about a soldier from La Mancha in the International Legion of the Ukrainian army. Pedro Diaz Flores, born in Herencia (Ciudad Real), 26 years old and a former Spanish soldier. We have been able to contact him through secure communication channels

I remember our ancestors Paz, Glorijea, and Consuelo.

On Saturday morning, during the events organized by the feminist association Herencia de Mujeres to honor outstanding women from the town, Paz Benadero López, La Glorieja, and Consuelo were remembered. These three women showed great devotion to the Stma. Virgen de las Mercedes. Father Comendador José Avilés spoke a few words about Paz, a Herencian woman who was very supportive

The Herencia Youth Center will host a Recycling Escape Room on March 31st.

On the afternoon of Friday 31st March, the Youth Center of Herencia invites young people aged 14 and over to participate in the Escape Room “La Basura de la Basura” (The Trash of the Trash), organized within the program “Tú eres la Llave” (You Are the Key). This event, which will take place from 7 to 8 pm, aims to

“II Entrepreneurship Conference of the Acompaña Network in Castilla-La Mancha”

This morning on March 15th, 2023, Mayor Sergio García Navas and the Councilor for Economy, Companies and Employment, Patricia Franco, attended the inauguration of the II Entrepreneurship Conference of the Castilla-La Mancha Accompany Network. The event, held at the Municipal Auditorium, focused on female entrepreneurship under the slogan “Entrepreneurship has a woman’s name.” The main objective of the conference was

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