Sports - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain


The Pitufo Handball Circuit Tournament in Villafranca de los Caballeros.

Last weekend, the Pitufo team from the Balonmano Sports Schools in Herencia participated in a new Pitufo Circuit event organized by the Regional Federation in Villafranca de los Caballeros. The main objective of this event was not the results, but to encourage sports practice and promote coexistence among the participating children and their teammates from other teams and localities. This

The first edition of the XCO test in Herencia.

On Sunday, June 4th, the town of Herencia will host the first edition of the XCO race, a new sports event that will take place in the Sierra de la Horca. This race is part of the XC BTT Cup of the Cycling Federation of Castilla La Mancha, which has a total of five locations, with Herencia being the only

The Herencia Handball Sports School triumphs at the Villafranca de los Caballeros Tournament.

Over the past weekend, several teams from the Herencia Sports School of Handball participated in the Villafranca de los Caballeros Tournament, achieving impressive results in different categories. In the Female Cadet category, the Herencia teams secured first and second place, showcasing their effort and skills on the field. Additionally, in the Female Infant category, another team from the school claimed

Rhythmic Gymnastics Exhibition in Herencia to celebrate the end of the 22/23 season.

On Friday, May 26th, at 7:30 pm, the Municipal Sports Center of Herencia will host a Rhythmic Gymnastics exhibition performed by the students of the Municipal Sports Schools. This event marks the end of the 2022/2023 sports season and is an opportunity for young athletes to showcase their skills and progress in this discipline. Tickets for the exhibition will be

Herencia gymnasts triumph at the Club Lyra tournament in Villarrubia de los Ojos.

Last Saturday, several gymnasts from the Rhythmic Gymnastics Sports School of Herencia participated in the Club Lyra tournament held in Villarrubia de los Ojos. The young athletes demonstrated their talent and effort, achieving excellent results in the competition. Among the achievements obtained by the gymnasts from Herencia, the gold medals won by Lola Gomez-Calcerrada Sánchez-Paulete and Lucía García-Navas Tajuelo stand

The Padel League in Herencia concludes with the award ceremony for the winners.

The afternoon of last Friday marked the end of the Paddle League in Herencia, with the celebration of the finals of the First and Second Men’s Divisions. After an exciting competition, the winners of these categories and all the participants were congratulated for their effort and dedication during this edition. The trophy presentation event was attended by Sergio García-Navas, Mayor

SMD BM Quijote Herencia has advanced to the final stage of the Women’s Senior Division after a victory over ID Energy Group BM Caserío.

Yesterday, on April 29th, the senior women’s team of SMD BM Quijote Herencia achieved an important step in the Senior Women’s Final Phase by obtaining a victory over ID Energy Group BM Caserío. Our players showed great performance during the first fifteen minutes of the game, and a standout performance by Inmaculada García-Navas in goal allowed the team to head

Solidarity Cycling Tour in Herencia in support of “Vicky’s dream”

On Sunday, May 21st, the town of Herencia will host a Solidarity Cyclotourist March in support of “El Sueño de Vicky” (Vicky’s Dream), a foundation dedicated to researching childhood cancer. The event, organized by the Peña Oscar Laguna and with the collaboration of the Municipal Sports Service of the Herencia City Council, will feature two routes, one for children and

The Pitufo Handball Circuit Tournament in Villafranca de los Caballeros.

Last weekend, the Pitufo team from the Balonmano Sports Schools in Herencia participated in a new Pitufo Circuit event organized by the Regional Federation in Villafranca de los Caballeros. The main objective of this event was not the results, but to encourage sports practice and promote coexistence among the participating children and their teammates from other teams and localities. This

The first edition of the XCO test in Herencia.

On Sunday, June 4th, the town of Herencia will host the first edition of the XCO race, a new sports event that will take place in the Sierra de la Horca. This race is part of the XC BTT Cup of the Cycling Federation of Castilla La Mancha, which has a total of five locations, with Herencia being the only

The Herencia Handball Sports School triumphs at the Villafranca de los Caballeros Tournament.

Over the past weekend, several teams from the Herencia Sports School of Handball participated in the Villafranca de los Caballeros Tournament, achieving impressive results in different categories. In the Female Cadet category, the Herencia teams secured first and second place, showcasing their effort and skills on the field. Additionally, in the Female Infant category, another team from the school claimed

Rhythmic Gymnastics Exhibition in Herencia to celebrate the end of the 22/23 season.

On Friday, May 26th, at 7:30 pm, the Municipal Sports Center of Herencia will host a Rhythmic Gymnastics exhibition performed by the students of the Municipal Sports Schools. This event marks the end of the 2022/2023 sports season and is an opportunity for young athletes to showcase their skills and progress in this discipline. Tickets for the exhibition will be

Herencia gymnasts triumph at the Club Lyra tournament in Villarrubia de los Ojos.

Last Saturday, several gymnasts from the Rhythmic Gymnastics Sports School of Herencia participated in the Club Lyra tournament held in Villarrubia de los Ojos. The young athletes demonstrated their talent and effort, achieving excellent results in the competition. Among the achievements obtained by the gymnasts from Herencia, the gold medals won by Lola Gomez-Calcerrada Sánchez-Paulete and Lucía García-Navas Tajuelo stand

The Padel League in Herencia concludes with the award ceremony for the winners.

The afternoon of last Friday marked the end of the Paddle League in Herencia, with the celebration of the finals of the First and Second Men’s Divisions. After an exciting competition, the winners of these categories and all the participants were congratulated for their effort and dedication during this edition. The trophy presentation event was attended by Sergio García-Navas, Mayor

SMD BM Quijote Herencia has advanced to the final stage of the Women’s Senior Division after a victory over ID Energy Group BM Caserío.

Yesterday, on April 29th, the senior women’s team of SMD BM Quijote Herencia achieved an important step in the Senior Women’s Final Phase by obtaining a victory over ID Energy Group BM Caserío. Our players showed great performance during the first fifteen minutes of the game, and a standout performance by Inmaculada García-Navas in goal allowed the team to head

Solidarity Cycling Tour in Herencia in support of “Vicky’s dream”

On Sunday, May 21st, the town of Herencia will host a Solidarity Cyclotourist March in support of “El Sueño de Vicky” (Vicky’s Dream), a foundation dedicated to researching childhood cancer. The event, organized by the Peña Oscar Laguna and with the collaboration of the Municipal Sports Service of the Herencia City Council, will feature two routes, one for children and

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