Sports - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain


The Padel League 2023/2024 in Herencia concludes successfully.

The night of last Friday marked the thrilling conclusion of the 2023/2024 Padel League, with finals in various categories taking place in the vibrant and competitive atmosphere that characterizes this event. The day not only witnessed exciting matches, but also served as a celebration of sportsmanship and camaraderie among the competitors. The winners of the different categories received their well-deserved

Herencia successfully closed the National Female Youth Handball Sector.

Last weekend, Herencia became the epicenter of national girls’ youth handball, hosting the National Sector that culminated today with a gift-giving ceremony to the six participating teams. The event, which started last Thursday, has been a showcase of emerging talent in women’s handball. The local team achieved an exciting victory in the third-place match, demonstrating not only skill and determination,

Young basketball players from Herencia participate in the Globalcaja 3×3 Circuit in Toledo.

Last weekend, the city of Toledo became the stage for the exciting Globalcaja 3×3 Basketball Circuit, where Herencia made its presence felt with great enthusiasm. Around 30 athletes from the Municipal Sports Schools of Basketball in our town, divided into seven teams of different categories, from primary to cadet, competed in this thrilling event. Under the guidance of Chema, the

Young Cyclists from Herencia Shine in Regional Competitions

This past weekend has been full of activity for the young cyclists of the Sports Schools of Herencia, who have participated in two prominent cycling events in the region. On Saturday, the talented athletes were present at the Oscar Sevilla Schools Trophy in Ossa de Montiel, demonstrating their skill and commitment to cycling. The Sunday was no less intense, with

End of Season: The Rhythmic Gymnastics Exhibition in Herencia

On Friday, May 24th, starting at 6:00 pm, the Municipal Sports Center of Herencia will be the stage for a spectacular display of Rhythmic Gymnastics, an event that marks the closing of the 2023/2024 season for the students of the Municipal Sports Schools. The community of Herencia has an unmissable appointment where they can enjoy and appreciate the talent and

Heritage is present in the closing of the Inter-school Competition in Guadalajara.

Last Saturday morning, Guadalajara became the stage for the closing of the Interescuelas competition, an event that brings together school teams from the entire region and where Herencia once again left its mark. This time, the Alevín “A” and Femenino “A” teams represented the town, guided by coaches Diego Toribio, Molina, and Josue Jiménez-Tajuelo. The City Council and the educational

Inheritance conquers the Globalcaja League with the Benjamin A football team.

In an exciting afternoon last Friday, the Sports Schools of Herencia celebrated a significant victory in the Globalcaja League in the Benjamin category. The Benjamin A team, made up of talented young players born in 2014, ended the regular phase of the competition on a high note, securing first place in group C. The key victory that sealed the championship

Spanish post in Herencia acoge el Sector Nacional de Balonmano Infantil Femenino

Challenging start for the female youth handball teams in Herencia and Marianistas.

At the start of the new handball season, the female youth teams of Prado Marianistas from Ciudad Real and Quijote Herencia faced unexpected challenges, resulting in losses in their first games. These results mark a complicated beginning for both teams, who entered the competition with high expectations due to their rigorous prior preparation. Despite the tough start, both teams showed

Sports success for Herencia in the closing of the Zona Mancha competition.

Last Saturday was a day of celebration for the soccer teams of our Municipal Sports Schools, who participated in the closing ceremony of the Zona Mancha competition, held in Socuéllamos and Tomelloso. A total of six teams from our town were present, showcasing the result of their hard work throughout the season. We highlight the outstanding performance of the Alevín

The Padel League 2023/2024 in Herencia concludes successfully.

The night of last Friday marked the thrilling conclusion of the 2023/2024 Padel League, with finals in various categories taking place in the vibrant and competitive atmosphere that characterizes this event. The day not only witnessed exciting matches, but also served as a celebration of sportsmanship and camaraderie among the competitors. The winners of the different categories received their well-deserved

Herencia successfully closed the National Female Youth Handball Sector.

Last weekend, Herencia became the epicenter of national girls’ youth handball, hosting the National Sector that culminated today with a gift-giving ceremony to the six participating teams. The event, which started last Thursday, has been a showcase of emerging talent in women’s handball. The local team achieved an exciting victory in the third-place match, demonstrating not only skill and determination,

Young basketball players from Herencia participate in the Globalcaja 3×3 Circuit in Toledo.

Last weekend, the city of Toledo became the stage for the exciting Globalcaja 3×3 Basketball Circuit, where Herencia made its presence felt with great enthusiasm. Around 30 athletes from the Municipal Sports Schools of Basketball in our town, divided into seven teams of different categories, from primary to cadet, competed in this thrilling event. Under the guidance of Chema, the

Young Cyclists from Herencia Shine in Regional Competitions

This past weekend has been full of activity for the young cyclists of the Sports Schools of Herencia, who have participated in two prominent cycling events in the region. On Saturday, the talented athletes were present at the Oscar Sevilla Schools Trophy in Ossa de Montiel, demonstrating their skill and commitment to cycling. The Sunday was no less intense, with

End of Season: The Rhythmic Gymnastics Exhibition in Herencia

On Friday, May 24th, starting at 6:00 pm, the Municipal Sports Center of Herencia will be the stage for a spectacular display of Rhythmic Gymnastics, an event that marks the closing of the 2023/2024 season for the students of the Municipal Sports Schools. The community of Herencia has an unmissable appointment where they can enjoy and appreciate the talent and

Heritage is present in the closing of the Inter-school Competition in Guadalajara.

Last Saturday morning, Guadalajara became the stage for the closing of the Interescuelas competition, an event that brings together school teams from the entire region and where Herencia once again left its mark. This time, the Alevín “A” and Femenino “A” teams represented the town, guided by coaches Diego Toribio, Molina, and Josue Jiménez-Tajuelo. The City Council and the educational

Inheritance conquers the Globalcaja League with the Benjamin A football team.

In an exciting afternoon last Friday, the Sports Schools of Herencia celebrated a significant victory in the Globalcaja League in the Benjamin category. The Benjamin A team, made up of talented young players born in 2014, ended the regular phase of the competition on a high note, securing first place in group C. The key victory that sealed the championship

Spanish post in Herencia acoge el Sector Nacional de Balonmano Infantil Femenino

Challenging start for the female youth handball teams in Herencia and Marianistas.

At the start of the new handball season, the female youth teams of Prado Marianistas from Ciudad Real and Quijote Herencia faced unexpected challenges, resulting in losses in their first games. These results mark a complicated beginning for both teams, who entered the competition with high expectations due to their rigorous prior preparation. Despite the tough start, both teams showed

Sports success for Herencia in the closing of the Zona Mancha competition.

Last Saturday was a day of celebration for the soccer teams of our Municipal Sports Schools, who participated in the closing ceremony of the Zona Mancha competition, held in Socuéllamos and Tomelloso. A total of six teams from our town were present, showcasing the result of their hard work throughout the season. We highlight the outstanding performance of the Alevín

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