Sports - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain


Successes of the Sports Paddle School of Herencia in the Inter-School Tournament of Consuegra.

Last weekend, the Padel Sports School of Herencia had an outstanding participation in a new Inter-school Tournament, held in Consuegra. This sporting event brought together students from different paddle schools, offering a space of coexistence, a good atmosphere, and of course, lots of paddle. The students of the Herencian School achieved outstanding results in this tournament, qualifying two pairs in

Registrations are open for the 11th BTT Circuit in Herencia.

Next Sunday, March 26, Herencia will host the third test of the XI BTT Circuit of the Province of Ciudad Real. A benchmark test in our sports calendar organized by Amigos del Plato Grande in collaboration with the Municipal Sports Service of the Herencia City Council that will take place in an unmistakable setting. You can now register through the

Gymnasts from the Herencia Rhythmic Gymnastics Sports School triumph at the Esperanza Calvo Tournament in Cuenca.

Last Saturday, some students from the Rhythmic Gymnastics Sports School of Herencia participated in the Esperanza Calvo Tournament held in Cuenca. This competition represented an opportunity for our young gymnasts to resume competitive activity for upcoming events. The talented athletes from our town were able to bring home several medals: Lucía – Infantile Hoop ? Sheila – Children’s ML ?

Anna Yeguiazaryan classified in the Spanish Championship in the Alevín Mazas category.

Last weekend was especially important for Rhythmic Gymnastics in Herencia. Anna Yeguiazaryan, a young gymnast, qualified for the Spanish Championship in the Alevín Mazas category. The qualifying control took place last Saturday in Albacete, and Anna put on a remarkable performance that allowed her to obtain the second position in her category and, what is even more important, to secure

The Sports Pavilion of Herencia shows off a new detachable flooring.

The mayor Sergio García-Navas and the Sports councilor Francisco Gallego de la Sacristana have visited the Municipal Sports Pavilion to check the new pavement first hand with the users. It is a removable sports floor with a wood imitation and allows the installation of four track configurations for Handball, Basketball, Futsal and Volleyball, with their corresponding security perimeters. A more

Successes of the Sports Paddle School of Herencia in the Inter-School Tournament of Consuegra.

Last weekend, the Padel Sports School of Herencia had an outstanding participation in a new Inter-school Tournament, held in Consuegra. This sporting event brought together students from different paddle schools, offering a space of coexistence, a good atmosphere, and of course, lots of paddle. The students of the Herencian School achieved outstanding results in this tournament, qualifying two pairs in

Registrations are open for the 11th BTT Circuit in Herencia.

Next Sunday, March 26, Herencia will host the third test of the XI BTT Circuit of the Province of Ciudad Real. A benchmark test in our sports calendar organized by Amigos del Plato Grande in collaboration with the Municipal Sports Service of the Herencia City Council that will take place in an unmistakable setting. You can now register through the

Gymnasts from the Herencia Rhythmic Gymnastics Sports School triumph at the Esperanza Calvo Tournament in Cuenca.

Last Saturday, some students from the Rhythmic Gymnastics Sports School of Herencia participated in the Esperanza Calvo Tournament held in Cuenca. This competition represented an opportunity for our young gymnasts to resume competitive activity for upcoming events. The talented athletes from our town were able to bring home several medals: Lucía – Infantile Hoop ? Sheila – Children’s ML ?

Anna Yeguiazaryan classified in the Spanish Championship in the Alevín Mazas category.

Last weekend was especially important for Rhythmic Gymnastics in Herencia. Anna Yeguiazaryan, a young gymnast, qualified for the Spanish Championship in the Alevín Mazas category. The qualifying control took place last Saturday in Albacete, and Anna put on a remarkable performance that allowed her to obtain the second position in her category and, what is even more important, to secure

The Sports Pavilion of Herencia shows off a new detachable flooring.

The mayor Sergio García-Navas and the Sports councilor Francisco Gallego de la Sacristana have visited the Municipal Sports Pavilion to check the new pavement first hand with the users. It is a removable sports floor with a wood imitation and allows the installation of four track configurations for Handball, Basketball, Futsal and Volleyball, with their corresponding security perimeters. A more

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