Coach Mino Borja joins the SMD BM Quijote Herencia team. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Coach Mino Borja joins the SMD BM Quijote Herencia team.

The SMD Quijote de Herencia Handball Club has announced a new signing for its senior men’s team: Domingo Borja Coello, known in the sports world as Mino. With an extensive background in Spanish national categories, Mino will join the team as their next coach.

Mino has an impressive track record in forming handball teams, both male and female. His experience includes coaching roles at the UCAM Sant Joan Handball Club and the Sant Joan Handball Club, both in the 1st National category. He has also led women’s senior teams, such as the Benidorm Handball Club and the Cañiza Handball Club, from which he currently comes.

In addition to his coaching role, Mino has contributed to the development of new generations of handball players as a teacher at the Valencian Handball Federation.

The club and Mino have expressed their enthusiasm for this new project and the opportunity to collaborate to take the senior men’s team to new heights. In the coming weeks, the club will begin announcing the renewals of the players on this team, which will provide a more complete view of the landscape for the upcoming season.

This signing is considered a strategic move that will strengthen the team’s formation, bring a new perspective, and help continue building the future of handball in Herencia.

Spanish post in El entrenador Mino Borja se une al equipo SMD BM Quijote Herencia

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