Comsermancha promotes recycling at Christmas to protect the environment - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Comsermancha promotes recycling at Christmas to protect the environment

During these festive times of abundance and celebration, the Comsermancha Services Consortium mobilizes to promote recycling among its citizens, with the aim of reducing the environmental impact of generated waste and contributing to the conservation of the planet.

Christmas, a time marked by family gatherings and abundant meals, produces a significant increase in the amount of organic waste, plastics, cans, glass, and paper. Faced with this scenario, Comsermancha, which covers twenty-one municipalities in Castilla-La Mancha, urges the community to adopt responsible recycling practices.

With a commitment to sustainability and efficiency in the management of urban solid waste, Comsermancha has recently introduced two additional containers to facilitate waste separation: the brown container for organic waste and the orange container for used vegetable oil.

The brown container is intended for food scraps, which will be transformed into compost, a natural fertilizer that enriches the soil. It is important that organic waste is deposited in compostable bags, not plastic, to ensure proper processing.

The orange container, on the other hand, is used to collect used vegetable oil. This simple act prevents water pollution and allows the reuse of oil in the production of biodiesel, soaps, and paints.

Comsermancha emphasizes the importance of knowing in which container to deposit each type of waste, thus facilitating the recycling process and maximizing its effectiveness:

  • Yellow container: for plastic containers, cans, cartons, and metal packaging.
  • Blue container: for paper, cardboard, newspapers, and magazines.
  • Green container: for glass containers.
  • Brown container: for organic waste.
  • Grey container: for non-recyclable waste or without a specific container.
  • Orange container: exclusively for used vegetable oil.

The Comsermancha initiative is a reminder that recycling is a simple gesture with significant benefits for the environment. Therefore, it invites all inhabitants to join this cause and adopt recycling as a New Year’s resolution, collectively contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable future.

Comsermancha impulsa el reciclaje en Navidad para proteger el medio ambiente 1
Comsermancha impulsa el reciclaje en Navidad para proteger el medio ambiente 1

Spanish post in Comsermancha impulsa el reciclaje en Navidad para proteger el medio ambiente

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