Digital Education and Mobile Devices Management Course for Senior Citizens in Herencia. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Digital Education and Mobile Devices Management Course for Senior Citizens in Herencia.

In an effort to reduce the intergenerational digital divide, the Digital Inclusion Point of the Senior Center in Herencia has organized a Digital Education and Mobile Devices Management Course. This course is aimed at teaching our seniors to handle fundamental digital tools, as well as finding solutions to the questions that may arise in their day-to-day activities with their devices.

The main skills that will be taught include the use of Office Online, Google Drive, internet search and information management, email, blogs, chats and social networks, contacts, calendar, notes, clock, play store, SMS, camera, gallery, photo album, and more.

This program presents itself as a great opportunity to bring our seniors closer to the Information and Communication Society, offering them the chance to improve their digital skills and their interaction with information technologies.

The course, funded by the Provincial Council of Ciudad Real and the Town Hall of Herencia, will take place during the months of July and August, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm.

Registrations will be carried out at the Senior Center from June 26th to June 30th, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. From here, we encourage all interested individuals to take advantage of this valuable training opportunity and register to improve their familiarity with the digital world.

Curso de educación digital y manejo de dispositivos móviles para los mayores de Herencia 1
Curso de educación digital y manejo de dispositivos móviles para los mayores de Herencia 1

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